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visit的第三人称单数  visit的第三人称单数:   visits   visit的词组短语:   pay a visit 进行访问   visit with 聊天;与……闲谈   state visit 国事访问(国家元首至其他国的官式访问)   official visit 正式访问;官式访问   visit on 迁怒于某人   visit第三人称单数例句:   1. it was amazing what a morale booster her visits proved.   令人惊诧的是,她的访问大大鼓舞了士气。   2. vets fees can be considerable, even for routine visits.   即使是常规检查,兽医的收费也会相当高。   3. the patient was seen for follow-up visits once every three months.   这位病人每三个月接受一次随访就诊。   4. as time went on the visits got more and more regular.   随着时间的流逝,探访变得越来越频繁。   5. my visits lasted anywhere from three weeks to two months.   我每次逗留时间从3个星期到两个月不等。   6. you may have regular home visits from a neonatal nurse.   可以雇请育婴护士定期到家里提供服务。   7. he still visits the village shop for buns and fizzy pop.   他仍然去村里的小店买小圆面包和汽水。   8. there was always something to look forward to, apart from rachels visits.   除了雷切尔的来访,总还有别的事情可以期待。   9. visits are at the discretion of the owners.   是否接受参观访问由业主决定。   10. she made periodical visits to her dentist.   她定期去看牙医。   11. horror stories about visits to the dentist   有关看牙医的种种吓人说法   12. her infrequent visits home   她少有的探望家人   13. this visit was sandwiched between visits to his native japan.   在访问故国日本期间,他安排了这次访问.   14. his social obligation compels him to make a round of visits.   他的社会职责使得他不得不进行一系列访问.   15. she lives in retirement, neither making nor receiving visits.   她过着隐退的生活, 既不访客,也不见客.   visit的第三人称单数:   visits   visit的词组短语:   pay a visit 进行访问   visit with 聊天;与……闲谈   state visit 国事访问(国家元首至其他国的官式访问)   official visit 正式访问;官式访问   visit on 迁怒于某人   visit第三人称单数例句:   1. it was amazing what a morale booster her visits proved.   令人惊诧的是,她的访问大大鼓舞了士气。   2. vets fees can be considerable, even for routine visits.   即使是常规检查,兽医的收费也会相当高。   3. the patient was seen for follow-up visits once every three months.   这位病人每三个月接受一次随访就诊。   4. as time went on the visits got more and more regular.   随着时间的流逝,探访变得越来越频繁。   5. my visits lasted anywhere from three weeks to two months.   我每次逗留时间从3个星期到两个月不等。   6. you may have r


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