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虚拟语气 一、 条件句中的?虚拟语气’t finis?hed with that book, you can keep it for one more day. 非真实条件?句所表示的?假设是不可?能或不大可?能发生或实?现的,句中的条件?从句与结果?主句皆使用?虚拟语气,一下是用于?非真实条件?句中的虚拟?语气形式: 时间 语形式 语形式 动词过去式?(be 用 were) ?would? / shoul?d / might? / could? + 动词原形 动词过去式?(be用we?re) shoul?d + 动词原形 were to + 动词原形 would? / shoul?d / might? / could? + 动词原形 had +动词过去分?词 would? / shoul?d / might? / could? have + 动词过去分?词 ? 2. 虚拟语气的?举例 (1) 将来时的条?件句中的。如: If he shoul?d go to Qing Hua Unive?rsity?, he would? make full use of his time. 如果他要上?清华大学的?话,他就会充分?利用他的时?间了。 If he were to come here, he would? tell us about? it. 如果他要来?的话,他会通知我?们一声。 (2) 现在时的条?件句中的虚?拟语气。如: If he were free, he would? help us. 要是他有空?的话,它会帮助我?们的。 If he studi?ed at this schoo?l, he would? know you well. 如果他在这?所学校学习?的话,它会对你很?熟悉。 (3) 过去时的条?件句中的。如: If I had seen the film, I would? have told you about? it. 我如果看过?这场电影,我会把电影?内容告诉你?了。 If I had got there? earli?er, I would? have met Mr. Li. 如果我早点?到那儿,我就会会到?了李先生。 3. 运用条件句?中的虚拟语?气时,须注意的几?个问题 () 有时,中,不是同时发?生时,。 ①从句的动作?与过去事实?相反,而主句的动?作与现在或?现在正在发?生的事实不?符。如: If I had worke?d hard at schoo?l, I would? be an engin?eer, too. 如果我在学?校学习刻苦?的话,我现在也会?程师了 If they had infor?med us, we would? not come here now. 如果他们通?知过我们的?话,我们现在就?不会来这里?了。 ②从句的动作?与现在事实?相反,而主句的动?作与过去事?实不符。如: If he were free today?, we would? have sent him to Beiji?ng. 如果他今天?有空的话,我们会已经?派他去北京?了。 If he knew her, he would? have greet?ed her. 要是他认识?她的话,他肯定会去?问候她了。 ③从句的动作?与过去发生?的情况相反?,而主句的动?作与现在正?在发生的情?况相反。如: If it had not been raini?ng too much, the crops? would? be growi?ng much bette?r. 如果天不下?太多的雨的?话,庄家会长得?更好。 If he had been worki?ng hard, he would? be worki?ng in the offic?e now. 要是他工作?一直努力的?话,他现在已进?了办公室了?。 () 当的谓语动词?含有wer?e, shoul?d, had时,if可以省?略,e, shoul?d, had等词?置于句首。如: Shoul?d he agree? to go there?, we would? send him there?. 要是他答应?去的话,我们就派他?去。 Were she here, she would? agree? with us. 如果她在这?儿的话,她会同意我?们的。 Had he learn?t about? compu?ters, we would? have hired? him to work here. 如果她懂一?些电脑知识?的话,我们会已经?聘用他来这?里工作了。 ()非真实条件?句中的条件?从句有时不?表达出来,



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