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时尚的英语知识   时尚的英语意思   fashion 时尚的相关英语例句   1. she has had many credits and name-checks in american vogue.   美国版《时尚》多次对她进行赞扬或是提到她的名字。   2. having children was the quickest way to lose your street cred.   生孩子是使自己不再年轻时尚的最快方法。   3. its fashionable but wearable, and its easy to look after.   它既时尚又耐穿,而且容易打理。   4. all new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention.   所有新时尚都是从打破现有常规开始的。   5. its shops are among the most stylish on the continent.   其店铺跻身欧陆最时尚的店铺之列。   6. laura landed a plum job with a smart art gallery.   劳拉在一家时尚画廊找到了份美差。   7. t-shirts now seem almost de rigueur in the west end.   t恤衫现在几乎成了伦敦XX区时尚人士的必备之物。   8. peoples lifestyles are usually fixed by generational habits and fashions.   人们的生活方式通常取决于那一代的生活习惯和流行时尚。   9. there are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men.   书中有20张有关男性时尚的彩色插页。   10. her dream is to present a lifestyle show on television.   她的梦想是主持一档电视时尚生活节目。   11. in the early seventies i wore false eyelashes, as was the fashion.   70年代初我戴假睫毛,这在当时是时尚。   12. he burst onto the fashion scene in the early 1980s.   20世纪80年代初他突然在时尚界活跃起来。   13. designer wedding dresses make wedding fashion a separate category from mainstream fashion.   著名设计师设计的婚纱使得婚纱时尚有别于主流服装时尚。   14. sequins have often aroused the scorn of arbiters of taste.   闪光装饰片经常引起时尚引领者的鄙视。   15. top style consultants will leave you buzzing with new ideas.   高级时尚顾问会使你的头脑充满新鲜想法。 时尚的英文例句   不管你赞成与否,那种生活方式已成为时尚。   that sort of life style has come to stay whether you approve of not.   《时尚》是美国很流行的杂志。   fashion is a very popular magazine in america.   当即,炼金术士的披风和蒸馏罐马上成为荣登时尚杂志封面的时尚标志,其价格也毫不犹豫地立刻扶摇直上。   the price of alchemist capes and retorts skyrocketed.   柔软的皮质,时尚大方的设计,冬季里简单的时尚新品。   soft leather as well as fashion design creates this simple fashion product.   时尚分析指的是对于时尚界流行趋势的研究.   fashion analysis refers to a study of trends in the fashion industry.   审美时尚以社会时尚为背景,以社会文化思潮为情感动力。   it is set on the backgr   ound of social fashion and motivated by social culture.   产品-纺织,时尚,服装,鞋袜/时尚/家纺产品   we


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