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摘 要 从国家的越来越多的教育投入不难看出,我国对于教育事业的重视程度逐年递增。特别是近年来著名的“农远工程”“家电下乡”两大网络教育普及型政策的推出,使原本就是热门的校园网络建设变得异常火热。各大学,高中,甚至初级中学,纷纷假设其自己的校园网络。 本主要包括各种局域网的技术思想、网络设计方案、网络拓扑结构、布线系统、Intranet/Internet的应用、网络安全,网络系统的维护等内容。设计方案本着安全、高效、具有一定冗余性和可扩展性的原则,对的校园网络建设进行设计。在网络技术的选择上,选择以太网技术作为组网技术,充分满足校园网的需要,也符合当前技术发展的趋势。在校园网的总体需求下,结合对应用系统的考虑,力求建设出一个高性能、高可靠性、高稳定性、高安全性、可运营、可管理、可增值的智能网络。 该校园网络作为现代教育技术手段,是全面实施素质教育的重要内容,是教育面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的物质技术基础,是一流基础教育的重要标志。校园网;三层结构;网络管理;方案设计 Abstract From the countrys growing number of educational investment is not difficult to see, our country attaches great importance to the level of education on a yearly basis. In recent years the famous Much agricultural engineering, Appliances to the countryside, the two network-based policy of universal education, the introduction of the original is so popular on campus networks have become unusually hot. Universities, high schools and even junior high, have assumed that their own campus network. The design is tailored for second high shcool of LiaoYang the campus network design, including the technical thinking of the various local area network, network design, network topology, cabling systems, Intranet / Internet applications, network security, network maintenance, etc. Design based on safe, efficient, has a certain redundancy and scalability of the principle of second high shcool of LiaoYang campus network design. In the choice of network technology, the choice of Ethernet networking technology as a technology campus network to fully meet the needs of the teaching office, is also in line with the current development trend of the latest technology. Second High School in Liaoyang net aggregate demand, together with consideration of applications to the construction of a high-performance, high reliability, high stability, high security, operations, can management, value-added Teaching Network office. Campus network as a means of modern educational technology, is the comprehensive implementation of quality education an important


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