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PAGE 武汉理工大学毕业设计(论文)一种室内环境适应型线状WI-FI天线的 阵列优化设计 学院(系): ** 专业班级:**学生姓名: ** 指导教师: ** PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I摘 要WI-FI天线作为无线路由器的发射与接收器件,在路由器系统中起着关键性作用。为解决现阶段室内环境下的WI-FI信号发射不稳定,功率低、覆盖面积小等缺陷本文对于线状的WI-FI天线做出了优化。本文采用超材料特性天线,基于零阶谐振天线采用CST MICROWAVE STUDIO商用仿真软件优化设计出了一付双频段的阵列天线,其覆盖2.4 GHz和5.5 GHz频段。因为超材料特性天线的谐振频率取决于物理结构上天线的长度,其原理上只能产生一个频段,所以在设计时采用复合左右手传输线理论,通过在天线之间串并联电容的方式改变谐振频率。在本次设计中通过调节天线结构尺寸,得出左右手传输线中串联电容0.218 pF,并联电容忽略,且天线传输线为谐振频率的四分之一波长。结果得出:系统的工作频率为2.4 GHz和5.5 GHz,5.5 GHz时天线传输线为13 mm,2.4 GHz时天线传输线为34 mm。其增益分别为4.83 dBi和3.03 dBi,天线在辐射方向上为全向性。通过研究结果表明,对于超材料天线的阵列优化设计,实现对了天线的增益的提高,改善了天线发射效率,使天线具有了更好的全向性,更适用于无线WI-FI的应用。关键词:WI-FI应用;线天线;路由器;超材料天线AbstractAs the transmitter and receiver of wireless router, WI-FI antenna plays a key role in the router system. In order to improve the signal transmit power and gain of wireless router, to solve Indoor environment the deficiency of WI-FI at present, such as the instability of WI-FI signal emission, low power, small covering area , etc. This paper makes majorization for the optimized linear WI-FI antenna. Using high dielectric antenna, this thesis is according to the zero-order model and based on CST Microwave Studio commercial simulation software to optimize the design as well as meet the protocol application of WI-FI 802.11 n.The design of super material antenna is derived from the model of zero-order, which can only produce a band in principle. So in the design of the composite right / left handed transmission line theory and the in between the antennas on shunt capacitance change the resonant frequency and in the design by adjusting the size of the antenna structure, and draw a series capacitor 0.218 pF and parallel capacitor ignored. The resonant frequency of super material antenna depends on the length of antenna in physical structure. The operating frequency of the system is 2.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz and the gain is 4.84 dBi and 3.03


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