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Key words:中华中医药杂志(原中国医药学报)2008年 9月第 23 卷第 9 期 CJTCMP , September 2008, Vol . 23, No. 9? 757 ?·论著·中医阴阳、五行学说的天文学背景探讨靳九成1,金世明2,黄建平3,郑陶2(1湖南大学物理和材料科学学院,长沙 410082;2广东省中医药学会,广州 510095;3中南大学湘雅医学 院,长沙 410078)摘要:文章根据现代天文学、宇宙生物学知识,在前人的基础上解读了阴阳、五行的天文学背景:①中医学的阴阳之道,泛指天体的万有引力、电磁波、高能粒子流之向背及强弱。人体的阴阳来源于人类在经过亿万年的天体阴阳特性作用下,从原生物选择性进化的结果。②七曜周旋,有地自转之昼夜阴阳,地公转之季阴阳,月绕地之阴阳,火星之阴阳,木星之阴阳。③水星10年周期运动呈现甲乙、丙丁、戊己、庚辛、壬癸状态有依次属木、火、土、金、水的相生相克五行特性。计入火星之阴阳特性叠加,分甲、丙、戊、庚、壬阳五行,乙、丁、己、辛、癸阴五行。人体之腑脏阴阳五行来源于人类在经过亿万年天体阴阳五行特性作用下选择性进化的结果。④金星5年周期运动呈现五中运五行特性状态。计入火星阴阳特性之叠加,使各中运具有阴阳特性,并随年交替。⑤土、火、金、水、木五曜在六十甲子年周期运动中呈现15对阴阳独立状态,比拟为15对阴阳纳音五行。⑥纳音五行应纳入中医学理论构架中。关键词:阴阳;五行;天文学;七曜周旋Discussion on astronomy background of yin-yang and five phases theory in traditional Chinese medicineJIN Jiu-cheng1, JIN Shi-ming2, HUANG Jian-ping3, ZHENG Tao2(1Institute of Physics and Materials Science,Hunan University, Changsha 410082,China; 2Guangdong Province Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Guangzhou 510095,China; 3Xiangya Medical College of Central South University, Changsha 410078,China)Abstract: The corresponding astronomy implications of yin-yang and five phases of traditional Chinese medicine are investigated based on the modern astronomy , universal biology, and literature research. It is found that the principles of yin-yangin traditional Chinese medicine actually refers to the strengths and the directions of gravitational forces, electromagnetic waves, high energy particle flows of celestial bodies to human . The yin-yang in the human body is a result of selective evolution from protobiont under the influence of yin-yang of celestial bodies in hundreds of millions of years. The revolution of seven luminaries, which includes the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, creates the day and night yin-yang from the self rotation of the Earth, season yin-yang from the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, the yin-yao from the rotation of the Moon around the Earth, and the yin-yao from the rotations of the


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