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Unit 7 Answers to Exercise 1) accommodate 2) aggressive 3) plead 4) shelter 5) had bruised 6) stuff 7) was identified 8) will make a difference 9) in the way of 10) did??hold it against 11) blasting 12) aside 13) pitch 14) or else 15) greedy 16) gesture 17) pooled 18) portable 1) abridge 2) afterwards 3) Have (they) figured out 4) deserves 5) in the midst of 6) overtake 7) stuff 8) identify 9) broke up 10) underneath 11) departs 12) vehicle 13) meant business 14) or else 1) pick out 2) headed??? for 3) took up 4) piled up 5) broke down 6) call off 7) fit in 8) came up 9) went off 10) goes on 1)true 2)store 3)deep 4)break 5)grow 6)marry 7)long 8)pass 9)young 10)short 1) 半熟练的; 半熟练工的 2) 一氧化物 3) 一月两次的; 两月一次的 4) 半圆形 5) 单音节词 6) 双边的 7) 半导体 8) 单语的 9) 双语的 1) Usually Id advise you to wait, but in the present situation I think its best to act without delay. 2) We need a list of names of all those present at the scene of the accident. 3) It is said that free trade will benefit all concerned. 4) Concerned parents have complained about the dangerous playground. 5) The police arrested the driver responsible for the deaths of two schoolboys in a road accident. 6) Lets be calm about the situation and try to act like responsible adults. 7) He could not fully understand involved scholarly lectures in English. 8) We never managed to get anything done, simple because of the large number of people involved. 9) My parents live in the suburbs, not in Boston proper. 10) We didnt have the proper tools to do the job right. 1) We wont support them for the reason that they are in the wrong. 2) We now charge more for the reason that prices have kept rising. 3) The maid decided to quit for the reason that she couldnt put up with her mistress any longer. 4) We want to change the plan for the reason that we have had difficulty in obtaining materials. 5) She took


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