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Welcome to New York!欢迎来到纽约!Welcome!热烈欢迎I like that attitude.我欣赏你的风格If you squint, you can see the Statue of Liberty.如果你往远处看 那个就是自由女神Freedom!自由Your English is very good. 你的英语特别好We’re going to do great business together. 我相信这会是一个很好的开端Check me out! 服吗Business and pleasure together. 工作娱乐两不误You’ve arrived on a very special day for America. 你们今天来纽约的日子非常特别4th of July. 7月4日 the Anniversary of when we achieved Independence. 是纪念美国独立的日子This is it. 就是这里了What you’ve been dreaming about. 你们一直梦想的地方2:00To us stepping onto American soil for the first time. 为了首次踏上美国领土Cheers! 干杯 To America! 美国It’s just like in the hollywood movies. 美国跟大片里一模一样When we were kids, even going to Beijing was a dream. 小时候说去趟北京都跟做梦似的Let alone America. 更别说美国了Li Yan. 李彦 about tonight......今天晚上Don’t worry, it’s all been taken care of, even tomorrow night. 我明天晚上都给你安排好了Everyone is gonna be there tonight at seven. 今晚上七点所有人都到Tonight I might... 今天晚上我可能 not be able to make it. 可能去不了What is it? 怎么了Something important came up that... I have to deal with. 有一个重要的事情推不掉But you’re the host. 大哥 这可是你的局Get some rest first. It’ll help with the jet lag. 你先歇会 倒倒时差I’m gonna come pick you up at six thirty. 六点半我过来接你Pinky, pinky, bowbell 拉钩上吊 We’re gonna be best friends for a hundred years. 一百年不许变Whoever breaks is gonna be 谁变了谁是 a... Little puppy! 小狗Seriously, what do you want to do when you grow up? 说正经的你到底想干什么Not sure. 不知道 I never really thought about it. 我没有想过When I grow up, I’m going to be a famous violinist. 我长大想当一名出色的小提琴家In America. 闻名美国 No, all over the world. 不 闻名全世界You’re gonna be my biggest fan. Following me wherever I go.你就当我最忠实的粉丝 我走到哪你就跟到哪In your dreams. I don’t want to be your puppy following you around everywhere.你想的美 我才不愿意当你的跟屁虫呢It’s not up to you 谁想让你当了4:00Drinking Maotai in the US isn’t an easy task. Thank you.能在美国 喝到茅台是一件多不容易的事 谢谢My boss always said he can’t take me anywhere.我哥老说我没素质Lenny, I never thought I would see you in New York.蓝一 哥们可从来没想过在纽约还能看到你Out of all of us, you’ve changed the most.我们这帮人当中就属你的变化最大Without


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