成功的秘密史蒂夫·乔布斯10 Success Secrets From Steve Jobs【国外优秀ppt模板精品】.ppt

成功的秘密史蒂夫·乔布斯10 Success Secrets From Steve Jobs【国外优秀ppt模板精品】.ppt

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成功的秘密史蒂夫·乔布斯10 Success Secrets From Steve Jobs【国外优秀ppt模板精品】

10 Success Secrets From Steve Jobs Steve Paul Jobs was born on February 24th, 1955. He is known to be the Chairman, co-founder as well as the CEO of the Apple Inc. He was also the former CEO of well known Pixar Animation Studios. He was also represented among the Board of Directors of the Walt Disney Company. Not bad! He completed his studies in California and later he did his frequent after-school lectures in Palo Alto at the Hewlett Packard Company. In a few months time, he was hired in the same place and from there his career started to accelerate. The great personality exhibited by Steve Jobs was told and appreciated far and wide. He was referred to as one of Silicon Valley’s leading egomaniac by Fortune Magazine. It was in the year 1976 when he founded the company he named Apple Inc. Presently, Jobs is referred to as the single largest shareholder in the Walt Disney Company and also one among its Board of Directors. His presence and appreciation in both the computer as well as entertainment field is remarkable. With his fame, he is well known for whatever came out from his mouth and was thus noted to be quoted. In casual conversation, Steve Jobs seems to come up with earth-moving quotes. The mastery of this is that most of his quotes can be applied to the jobs we all have, the careers we all seek, and the lives we all want to lead. Lets take a look at some of the great quotes of this modern day tech and media leader. Secret # 1 : To Build up Confidence Steve Jobs is confident in whatever decisions he makes and he talks about what has taken him to great heights. He also insists all of us to be good to the heart as our lives are short and death can arrive at any time. “We don’t get a chance to do that many things, so every one should be really excellent. Because this is our life. Life is brief, and then you die, you know? Secret # 2 : On Confidence and Creativity People are terrified at times. However, those that make choices based on real


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