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西南大学 ??网络与继续教育学院 课程代码: ??0850? ?? ?? 学年学季:20181 窗体顶端 单项选择题 1、  HYPERLINK /resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474424614413026963.mp3 \o 9Amp3_clip.mp3 9Amp3_clip.mp3 9. What does the man suggest the woman do? ??A. Try very hard to support her boss. B. Tell her boss her feeling about him.?? D. Thank her boss for being more supportive. C. Stand the test and shell like the job.  2、4.  HYPERLINK :80/\\/resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201703041488622333324028626.mp3 \o P1C, 8.1clip.mp3 P1C, 8.1clip.mp3To find out womens habits of holding their shopping packages. To find out how many women let their babies hear heartbeats and why. To find out differences between left-handed and right-handed mothers. To find out which side women prefer to hold their babies and why.??  3、  HYPERLINK /resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474428916105001277.mp3 \o 8Bmp3_clip.mp3 8Bmp3_clip.mp3 8. What does the man try to tell the woman? ? ?A. Its too bad that she has lost her job. D. Its good that she can treat the situation so positively. C. Its good that she can move on to a new job.?? B. Its too bad that she doesnt like her job.  4、  HYPERLINK /resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474429122532040899.mp3 \o 10Bmp3_clip.mp3 10Bmp3_clip.mp3 10. Why did Tom give up his job? ??C. He has heard something shocking. D. He has to spend more time studying.?? B. He has an excellent place to go to. A. He has many other better choices.  5、 2. What do we know about Janes boyfriend??D. He has changed Janes life.?? A. He has good looks. B. He is a happy person. C. He is a bright person.  6、  HYPERLINK /resourcefile/uploadFiles/file/attachFiles/201609211474423928714028560.mp3 \o 4Amp3_clip.mp3 4Amp3_clip.mp3 4. What does the woman do? ?????????????A. A. She is a researcher. C. She is a student. ?? D. She is an experienced worker. B. She is a young teacher.  7、2.  HYPERLINK :80/



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