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扬州职业大学毕业设计(论文) PAGE IIPAGE 30毕 业 设 计( 论 文 )某酒店住宅项目之酒店装饰工程专项施工方案 系 别: 专 业: 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 完成时间: 扬州职业大学毕业设计(论文) 摘 要建筑装饰是建筑工程的一个分支,现代建筑不仅满足人们物质生活的需要,还应作为艺术品给人们创造舒适的环境。随着我国居民生活水平的不断提高,对居住环境的要求也不断提高。因此做好装饰工程的质量控制,对整个工程的质量和建筑物的功能有着深远的意义。本文一扬州嘉里扬州酒店住宅项目之酒店工程为背景,对装饰工程施工的环节进行了深入研究,包括多种装饰施工的要求,施工工艺,施工准备,质量要求和成品保护等方面。本论文全面结合现行装饰工程施工设计、施工等规范,并参考相关教材与文献,对涉及以上环节的检测报告、分项工程质量评定等进行了分析,并提出了一些解决方案。最后,对本文工作进行了小结,提出了需要进一步完善与加强的一些建议。关键词:装饰工程,施工工艺,质量控制,施工准备。AbstractBuilding decoration is the construction of a branch of engineering, modern architecture is not only to meet the peoples material life, but also as a work of art to the people to create a comfortable environment. Chinas standard of living continues to improve, the living environment of demand is also rising. So do the decoration engineering quality control, for the whole project quality and the function of the building is of profound significance. In this paper, a Yangzhou Kerry Hotel Yangzhou residential project of hotel project as the background, the decoration project construction links are studied, including a variety of decorative construction requirements, construction technology, construction preparation, quality requirements and finished product protection etc.. In this paper a comprehensive combination of current construction decoration engineering design, construction norms, and reference to the relevant textbooks and literature, to involve more than link test report, project quality evaluation are analyzed, and put forward some solutions. Finally, this paper draws a conclusion, put forward the need to further improve and strengthen some of the recommendations.Key words: Decoration Engineering, construction technolog