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新标准小学四年级英语Module4Chinesepeopleinventedpaper说课稿  新标准小学四年级英语Module4 Chinese people invented paper说课稿  一、 教学目标与要求  1、 知识目标  Words: important , paper , newspaper , invented , pringting , printed  Sentences: Paper is important.  Chinese people invented …….  Chinese people didn’t invent …….  2、能力目标  Help the students use these words and sentences in  activities and daily life.  Help the students to know some greating inventions.  Help the students to learn the past indefinite tense.  2、 情感态度目标  Inspire the students’ interest.  Inspire the students to love our homeland .  二、 教学重点  To master the basic sentence “Chinese people invented…….”  To master the past indefinite tense “invent-invented , print-printed”  To talk about what Chinese people invented.  三、 教学难点  To talk about what Chinese people didn’t invent.  To use these words and sentences in the past indenfinite tense correctly.  四、课前准备  Radio , cards , small pictures , multimedia  五、 教学过程  Step 1 Warm up  教师通过着急的找卡片的活动创设情境让学生感知important。通过“头脑风暴”让学生思考什么是对自己重要的,扩展运用important。  1、Where is my card?It’s very important for me.  2、Are TVs important ?  What is important for you (in our lives)?  Step 2 Presentation and practice  1、老师通过抢答趣味操练newspaper,并为后面的Chinese/English people 作铺垫。  T: Books are made of paper.  Show some things:paper telephone/boat/plane  T:.Look,some important news on this paper.  新标准小学四年级英语Module4 Chinese people invented paper说课稿  一、 教学目标与要求  1、 知识目标  Words: important , paper , newspaper , invented , pringting , printed  Sentences: Paper is important.  Chinese people invented …….  Chinese people didn’t invent …….  2、能力目标  Help the students use these words and sentences in  activities and daily life.  Help the students to know some greating inventions.  Help the students to learn the past indefinite tense.  2、 情感态度目标  Inspire the students’ interest.  Inspire the students to love our homeland .  二、 教学重点  To master the basic sentence “Chinese people invented…….”  To master the past indefinite tense “invent-inv


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