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香港青年協會 香港青年創業計劃 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Youth Business Hong Kong 創業計劃書大綱Guidelines for Business Plan Preparation 請根據以下各個範疇撰寫創業計劃書,連同申請表格及其他資料(請參閱申請須知)遞交至香港青年創業計劃秘書處。 Please prepare your Business Plan according to the guidelines below, and submit together with the Application Form and other necessary information (please refer to Application Notes) to the Youth Business Hong Kong Secretariat. 1. 計劃摘要 Summary of Business Plan 2. 基本資料 Basic information 公司名稱、地址、電話 Company name, address, and telephone number 公司組成模式Type of ownership (獨資 / 合資 / 有限公司sole proprietorship / partnership / limited company) 經營者 / 合伙人 / 股東姓名、年齡及所佔股份比例Name, age and share of owners / partners / shareholders 經營地點 Place where business takes place 商業登記証號碼(如有) Business Registration number(if any) 3. 產品 / 服務 Product / Service 產品 / 服務性質及特點 Nature and feature of product / service 業務目標 Business goals 行業概況 Industry outlook 產品 / 服務優勢Product / service niche 4. 市場策略 Market Strategies 顧客對象 Target customer 市場定位 Market positioning 首三年之銷售預測 Sales performance projection for the first three years 競爭對手數量及競爭情況 Describe the number of business competitors and market competition 供應商議價能力Suppliers bargaining power 其他市場研究資料 Other marketing research findings 5. 財務 Finance 產品價錢及定位 Pricing of product / service 需要的營運成本 (包括:租金、人工等) Operational costs incurred (e.g. rent, manpower, cost, etc.) 盈利產生方法及計劃 Income generation plan 集資方法 Means of financing / Source of capital 三年財務預測 Three years financial projection 開業首年之詳細財政預算(包括向香港青年創業計劃申請的創業啟動金之用途細項)First year’s detailed financial projection (Including detail description of usage of seed money provided by Youth Business Hong Kong) 如屬已開展業務,請提交最近一年之財務報告 If business has already been set up, please provide the latest annual financial report 6. 營銷推廣 Marketing and Promotion 提供產品 / 服務的渠道或地方 Channel / location of providing your product / service 經營規模 Scale of business 宣傳方法 Promotion 7. 管理 Management 組織架構 Organization 估計僱員人數及分工 Antici


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