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* * * * * * * * * * * * 含牙囊肿/病理 大体: 镜下: A thin layer of connective tissue lined by epithelium that may be only two or three cells thick and this resemble the reduced enamel epithelium Mucus-producing cells, ciliated cells Keratinization in limited areas * * 郑大口腔病理 * * 郑大口腔病理 * * 郑大口腔病理 含牙囊肿/萌出囊肿 含牙囊肿的发生:缩余釉上皮与牙冠 萌出囊肿(eruption cyst):含牙囊肿的特殊形式,发生在牙龈内。 * * 郑大口腔病理 腺牙源性囊肿/一般特点 glandular odontogenic cyst or sialo-odontogenic cyst 罕见 可伴发成釉细胞瘤 有复发倾向 年龄、性别分布无特征 X线:单囊或多囊阴影 * * 郑大口腔病理 腺牙源性囊肿/病理 epithelium: Stratified epithelium has a surface layer of acidophilic cuboidal or columnar cells, forming irregular papillary projections Ciliated epithelium containing mucus-producing cells Crypt or cyst-like spaces within the thickness of epithelium Mucin may be demonstrable within the intraepithelial spaces and within the main cyst cavity Epithelial plaque may be present * * 郑大口腔病理 腺牙源性囊肿/病理 The fibrous capsule is usually free from inflammatory cells * * 郑大口腔病理 腺牙源性囊肿/病理 * * 郑大口腔病理 腺牙源性囊肿/病理 * * 郑大口腔病理 腺牙源性囊肿/病理 * * 郑大口腔病理 鼻腭管囊肿/一般特点 鼻腭管囊肿(nasopalatine duct cyst)也称切牙管囊肿(incisive canal cyst) A cyst arising from the epithelial residues in the nasopalatine (incisive) canal * * 郑大口腔病理 鼻腭管囊肿/一般特点 Clinically, occur in the 4th,5th and 6th decades,and there is a three to one preponderance in males as compared to females 可发生于骨内(切牙管)或骨外(切牙乳头) Radiographically, the cyst is found in the midline of the maxilla as a well-defined round,ovoid or heart-shaped radiolucency,切牙窝深度6mm以下为正常,但超过无症状者观察。 * * 郑大口腔病理 鼻腭管囊肿/病理 Lined by stratefied squamous epithelium, pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium or both The connective tissue wall contains large nerves and vessels; mucous glands and adipose tissue may also be present * * 郑大口腔病理 鼻腭管囊肿/病理 * * 郑大口腔病理 腮裂囊肿/一般特点 Branchial cleft cyst or cervical lymphoepithelial cyst 来源于腮裂上皮残余,或颈淋巴结异位涎腺上皮 青少年发病 部位:下颌角以上(第一鳃裂来源);肩胛舌骨肌以上(第二鳃裂来源);颈根区(第三、四鳃裂来源); 其他部位者如口腔内(淋巴上皮囊肿) 界清、活动、增大缓慢、无症状 * * 郑大口腔病理 腮裂囊肿/病理 大体:囊内容物为黄绿或棕色清亮液体,或脓稠胶样、粘液样 镜下:复层鳞状上皮


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