EvidencedBased BluePrint for Success基于脑震荡的成功蓝图ppt课件.pptx

EvidencedBased BluePrint for Success基于脑震荡的成功蓝图ppt课件.pptx

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EvidencedBased BluePrint for Success基于脑震荡的成功蓝图ppt课件

Concussion: Evidence-Based Blueprint for Success;Objectives;Teaching Points;;“Preliminary Approval in NFL Concussion Lawsuit”;Local/Regional: WNC;National;Rates of TBI-related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths----US, 2001-2010;Rates of TBI-related Emergency Department Visits by Age Group — United States, 2001–2010;Case;Case (cont);;A complex vascular and neurochemical process affecting the brain, caused by direct or indirect traumatic forces to the head;Signs/Symptoms of a Concussion;Case (cont);Objective #1: Rule out ‘Badness’ ie: When to send to ER or Need for Imaging Signs of increasing pressure on brain Loss of consciousness 30 seconds Convulsions / seizures Deteriorating level of consciousness or behavior Headache that is rapidly worsening or becoming severe Late onset of or persistent vomiting Late onset of or worsening amnesia / memory loss Focal neurological signs (motor function, vision, speech) ;Case (cont);;Exam ;Exam (cont);VOMS;Exam (cont);Exam (cont);Case (cont);;Rest;Case (cont);;Return to Play;Case (cont);Be suspicious when: A concussion seems to be stalling out after one week Concussion symptoms continue after three weeks Concussion symptoms come back shortly after increasing activities Is it still a concussion or is it something else (Bonus Prize)? Inner ear problems Cervical spine trigger points or facet problems Migraine cluster Post traumatic stress disorder Something more serious? Seizure disorder New presentation of brain mass/tumor Subdural hematoma;;Be suspicious of a concussion/PCS. “If in doubt hold them out” Be familiar with your algorithm; Know your exam (VOMS) Signs/symptoms change. Evaluate the athlete looking at: Cervicogenic, Psychogenic, Vestibular, Ocular, Migrainous, Executive dysfunction There are many tools to help you on the sidelines and in the office. The law recommends that you use one. Initial treatment is based on both physical and cognitive rest until the symptoms resolve. Returning to activitie


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