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突发性耳聋患者的心理困扰现状调查及其影响因素的路径分析   [摘要] 目的 调查突发性耳聋(SHL)患者的心理困扰情况,探讨分析社会支持和应对方式对心理困扰的影响路径。 方法 选择2016年8~12月在广东省中医院治疗的108例SHL患者为研究对象,应用心理困扰量表(Kessler-10)、MOS社会支持量表(MOS-SSS)和简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)进行调查。 结果 SHL患者的心理困扰的得分为(28.85±5.88)分,超过99%的患者均存在不同程度的心理困扰;家庭收入、耳聋程度、社会支持各维度和应对方式各维度均为心理困扰的影响因素,共可解释77%的方差变异量;进一步实施复回归分析可知,社会支持和应对方式均可直接作用于心理困扰,同时社会支持又可通过应对方式间接影响心理困扰。 结论 SHL患者广泛存在心理困扰,临床医护人员可根据社会支持和应对方式的作用路径实施针对性干预护理,以提升患者的心理健康水平。   [关键词] 突发性耳聋;心理困扰;社会支持;应对方式;影响因素   [中图分类号] R764.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)10(c)-0124-05   Investigation of psychological distress in patients with sudden heaing loss and its path analysis of influencing factors   SUN Jianhua XIE Hui LIN Saimei KONG Zhe   ENT Department, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510120, China   [Abstract] Objective To investigate the psychological distress of patients with sudden hearing loss (SHL), in order to explore the influence path of social support and coping style on psychological distress. Methods 108 patients with SHL treated in Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Angust to December in 2016 were investigated by kessler psychological distress scale (Kessler-10), MOS social support scale (MOS-SSS) and simple coping style questionnaire (SCSQ). Results The psychological distress score of patients with SHL was (28.85±5.88) score, more than 99% of the patients had different degrees of psychological distress; family income, the degree of hearing loss, each dimension of social support and coping style were the influence factors of psychological distress, which account for 77% of the variance; further the implementation of multiple regression analysis, social support and coping style could direct effect on psychological distress, and social support indirectly affect psychological distress by coping style. Conclusion There are widespread psychological distress in patients with SHL. Clinical doctors and nurses can carry out targeted in



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