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生活家饮食保健孕期选择食用油的学问邢台市第四病院罕见护理应急预案猪气喘病综合防制技术动物营养系列理想蛋白与氨基酸模式的研究进展皮肤病的诊断包括病史体格检查和必要的实验室检查我国有关食物添加剂营养强化剂食物新资本的治理律例与标准 Spectral Analysis February 14, 2012 Friendly Reminders ToBI homeworks to hand back. Extra credit ToBI Production exercise will be posted later today. due after the break Mid-term is on Thursday! On the Tuesday after the break, we’ll be back in the Craigie Hall lab. Korean stops exercise Today’s goal: start to learn where spectrograms come from. / Voice Quality Summary AT LT MC Flow Modal moderate varies moderate med. Tense high varies high high Creaky high low high low Whisper low N/A high med. Breathy low varies low high Falsetto high high high low Last but not least, Korean makes an interesting distinction between “emphatic” (or fortis) obstruents and unaspirated and aspirated (lenis) obstruents. What’s going on here? A variety of things occur during the articulation of fortis consonants in Korean. Glottis is not open as wide (during closure) as in lenis stops. Voicing begins more quickly after stop release Increased airflow in fortis stops. Higher F0 after stop release. Vocal folds are “more tense” than in lenis stops. = greater medial compression = “squarer” glottal waveform Back to the Source… Modal voicing (by me): Note: completely closed and completely open phases are both actually quite short. Also: closure slope is greater than opening slope. Q: Why might there be differences in slope? A Different Kind of Voicing The basic voice quality in khoomei is called xorekteer. Notice any differences in the EGG waveforms? This voice quality requires greater medial compression of the vocal folds. ...and also greater airflow Why Should You Care? Remember that the most basic kind of sound wave is a sinewave. time pressure Sinewaves can be defined by three basic properties: Frequency, (peak) amplitude, phase Complex Waves It is possible to combine more than one sinewave together into a complex wave. At any given


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