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明显的, 生动的 Telling 晴雨表 barometer: A barometer is an instrument that measures air pressure and shows when the weather is changing. Para. 13 寻找退休生活中的意义 search for meaning in their postretirement lives IV. P153 post- postcolonial economy (9) the Post-90s (10) a post-retirement paycheck (14) amp up the volume largesse: a generous gift of money or a generous act of kindness.?慷慨赠予(或捐助);善举 The former U.N. High Commissioner of Refugees now oversees the Japan International Cooperation Agency, which, after a massive reorganization this year, has become the world's largest bilateral development agency, with more than $10 billion at its disposal. 这个前联合国难民事务高级专员现在负责监管日本国际合作署, 该机构今年进行了大规模重组,现在成了世界上首屈一指的双边发展机构,支配着超过100亿美元的资金. with…at one’s disposal There are usually card indexes available in a library, but even with these at his disposal the reader may well be at sea unless he possesses a key to the system on which they are arranged. If you brag, you say in a very proud way that you have something or have done something. 到处宣扬 go around bragging about Para. 15 look anew at Congress must look anew at these provisions to judge whether they are effective or not. It sometimes pays to look anew at what has become so familiar in our day to day surroundings. A crucial consideration is the nation's dwindling birth rate. 一个要考虑的关键因素是日本的出生率在不断下降. If something dwindles, it becomes smaller, weaker, or less in number. dwindling friendships/population/reserves… What better way to…than…? What better way to lure skilled immigrants to Japan – ones who might be just as interested in moving to the U.S. or Australia – than piquing their interest in all things Japanese? 那些有技能的人对移民美国或澳大利亚感兴趣,对移民日本也同样有兴趣,那么,除了激起他们对有关日本的一切感兴趣之外,还能有什么更好的方法吸引他们来日本呢? Para. 16 In much the same way, Japanese firms face a global imperative (责任,义务). 将年生产能力翻一番 double its annual production capacity Operate at capacity / under capacity acquisition:If a company or business person makes an acquisition, they buy another compan


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