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Unit 3 LAST WEEKEND Part B Let’s read 吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,不吃葡萄到吐葡萄皮。 tongue twisters A black bird eats black bread. funny 看动画 Suddenly the kite flew into the lake. Read the passage quickly and quietly, choose the right answers. (快速默读,并选择正确答案。) 1. Where did Zhang Peng go? ( ) A. He walked to Mike’s home . B. He walked to his home. 2. What’s in the lake? ( ) A. It was a bike . B. It was a kite. 3. Was Zhang Peng very grateful to him? ( ) A. Yes. B. No. ( grateful : thank you for sb .) A B A Read the passage carefully and answer the questions, line on difficulties.(仔细阅读回答问题,并划出难点。) 1. What did Zhang Peng do in Mike’s home? 2. What did the dog do? He studied English and read funny tongue twisters. He jumped into the lake and returned the kite to Zhang Peng. Read the passage carefully and finish the sentences on your book. (1) I _________ to Mike’s home. (2) I _____________by bike. (3) I was very grateful to the ____. walked went to a park dog Number the sentences. ( ) I went to a park. ( ) I flew kites. ( ) I went to Mike’s home. ( ) The dog jumped into the lake. ( ) He swam to the kite. ( ) The kite flew into the lake. ( ) He returned the kite to me. 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 What did you do last weekend? 根据场景和提示,小组合作完成写话卡,相信你会做得很棒! Key words: went to a park / zoo / went fishing / visited grandparents / went hiking…… by bike / bus / train / plane / ship / on foot My name is ____. I am ___ years old. Last weekend I ______. I went there___. I saw____(人物/动物/其他). I was very (happy / sad / tired / excited). 动词+ed,变化有规则,单词最后发音是轻音,ed发音变为/ t / swim swam study studied fly flew see saw 我发现了…… I find…… 动词变化无规则 watch watched wash washed walk walked jump jumped warm tips(温馨小贴士): Please don’t fly kites near the lake or on the road. Because it’s very dangerous for you !


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