
甜樱桃ma贮藏及物流保鲜技术分析-analysis on ma storage and logistics preservation technology of sweet cherry.docx

甜樱桃ma贮藏及物流保鲜技术分析-analysis on ma storage and logistics preservation technology of sweet cherry.docx

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甜樱桃ma贮藏及物流保鲜技术分析-analysis on ma storage and logistics preservation technology of sweet cherry

甜樱桃 MA 贮藏与物流保鲜技术研究 摘 要 果蔬自发气调保藏(modified atmosphere storage, MA)是一种使用简单,保 鲜效果好的气调保鲜方法。本论文实验室制备纳米自发气调保鲜袋,然后使用正 交试验的方法建立了描述 MA 贮藏袋内气体组成与袋的厚度、面积、贮藏量关系 的数学模型,通过此数学模型设计用于甜樱桃贮藏的保鲜袋规格,并对樱桃的贮 藏效果作了各项生理指标的测试研究。 首先,用实验室制备的纳米 ZnO,对其制备工艺优化选择。制备的纳米 ZnO 与聚乙烯母粒共混做成纳米 ZnO-聚乙烯复合材料,然后吹膜制成自发气调保鲜袋 (MAP)。通过纳米 ZnO 的抑菌试验表明:纳米氧化锌有着良好的抑菌效果,保 鲜膜中只要添加 0.1%的纳米 ZnO 就能显著地抑制大肠杆菌的生长。 其次,当贮藏温度、湿度、外界气体分压等环境条件都不变的情况下,影响 MAP 内平衡气体组成的因素只有薄膜厚度、薄膜面积、贮藏量三个因素。因此, 本试验采用正交试验的方法,进行三元二次回归分析,建立了三因素与袋内 O2 和 CO2 分压的数学模型,利用此数学模型可以方便地设计出试验所需保鲜袋的规格。 再次,使用设计出 MAP 对甜樱桃进行贮藏保鲜试验,测定其理化和品质指标 的变化。结果表明,MAP 可显著延长樱桃的贮藏期,理化和品质指标变化缓慢, 贮藏 42d 后,好果率都在 95%以上,鲜食品质良好。 最后,对甜樱桃目前的物流模式进行优化,将 MAP+冷藏保鲜技术与 MAP+ 物流保鲜技术有机结合,成功的将甜樱桃运到北京、上海、广州、深圳、浙江、 贵州、西藏、内蒙等全国各地。该技术具有使用方便、贮藏期长、保鲜效果好、 符合绿色食品要求的显著特点。果实基本保持了采收时的色泽、风味,深受消费 者的欢迎。 关键词 大樱桃 纳米 MA 数学模型 物流 Abstract The modified atmosphere technology is commonly used to extend the shelf life of fresh fruit and vegetables due to its operation simply and good storage effects. In this paper, the nano-modified atmosphere packaging was made in the laboratory; and the mathematical model which described the relationships between the gas composition in MAP and the thickness of MAP, the area of MAP, the storage weight was obtained by the orthogonal experiment. Based on this mathematical model, the optimal MAP used to store sweet cherry was designed. Furthermore, some physiological indices were selected to monitor fruit quality in the study. Firstly, nano ZnO was made in the laboratory and the processing technology was optimized. And then, MAP was produced by nano ZnO-PE composite material which was made by blending of nano ZnO and Polyethylene. Through the antibacterial test, it was shown that the antibacterial effect of nano ZnO made in laboratory was well and 0.1% nano ZnO signally inhibited the grown of Escherichia coli. Secondly, it was observed that the gas equilibrium composition was influenced by the film thickness, the film area and the storage weight when the temperature, humidity and gas press



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