
陕北剪纸艺术的传承与发展——对张晓梅当代剪纸的探索与思考-inheritance and development of paper-cut art in northern shaanxi - exploration and thinking of contemporary paper-cut in zhang xiaomei.docx

陕北剪纸艺术的传承与发展——对张晓梅当代剪纸的探索与思考-inheritance and development of paper-cut art in northern shaanxi - exploration and thinking of contemporary paper-cut in zhang xiaomei.docx

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陕北剪纸艺术的传承与发展——对张晓梅当代剪纸的探索与思考-inheritance and development of paper-cut art in northern shaanxi - exploration and thinking of contemporary paper-cut in zhang xiaomei

西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 陕北剪纸艺术的传承与发展 ——对张晓梅当代剪纸的探索与思考 专 业:艺术设计 硕士生:黎李莎白 指导教师:傅 强 摘要 在中国,剪纸艺术历史悠久,它是我国民族文化的重要组成部分,同时也是 人类非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,具有极高的艺术性与欣赏性。中国的传统 剪纸艺术在中国是作为一种母体的民间艺术存在的,它是我国广大劳动人民在农耕 文化、民俗生活中为了满足自身的精神生活需要创造、应用并流传下来的一种民 间艺术。[1] 随着时代的发展,人们生活水平的提高,在今天的社会形态下,传统 的剪纸,传统的民间艺术甚至传统的文化都要和时代做一个结合,才能使文化不 管从艺术形式和内容的传承上有一个递进。随着我们今天生活形式的改变,上一 代人和我们这代年轻人甚至是更年轻的下一代所处的生活环境、生活行为和对当 代文化以及传统文化的理解有很大的差异性,所以当代艺术既不能原封不动的照 搬传统,也不能一味地否定那些新出现的东西。 我们应该在继承传统文化的过程中找到一个突破点。例如榆林当代剪纸艺术 家张晓梅的剪纸作品,通过它在形式上的发展和突破来说明剪纸艺术与今天的社 会关系,与今天的审美趣味、今天的社会生活的关系、今天年轻人的兴趣点的一 种关系以及与当代艺术的关系,从中可以得出传统剪纸应以什么样的方式进行更 好的传承和发展。 关键词:剪纸;张晓梅;继承;创新 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 万方数据 The heritage and development of paper-cutting art in the north of Shaanxi —— the exploring and thinking of contemporary paper-cutting art from Xiaomei Zhang Specialty:Art and design Name: Lilishabai Instructor:Fuqiang ABSTRACT In China, paper cutting has a long history, it is an important part of our national culture, and also an important part of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, with high artistic and appreciation. Traditional Chinese paper-cut art in China is presented as the “mother folk” art, it is a kind of folk art which is formed and handed down during the folk life in the farming culture, in order to satisfy the spiritual needs. With the development of the times, peoples living standards are improved. At the present era, the traditional paper-cut and even traditional folk art and traditional culture should be combined with times, in order to make a progressive regardless of the form or content of the art. With the change of our life style, there is large differences lies between previous generation and the young generation or even younger generation in the living environment, behavior and the understanding of contemporary culture and traditional culture, thus contemporary art can neither intact copy tradition, nor blindly deny those new things. We shou



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