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中國剩餘定理之妙用 張真誠 逢甲大學 講座教授 中正大學 榮譽教授 清華大學 合聘教授 1. Chinese Remainder Theorem (中國剩餘定理) 2. Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Functions (OMPHF) 3. Conclusions Chinese Remainder Theorem (中國剩餘定理) 韓信點兵問題:「今有物不知其數,三三數之剩二,五五數之剩三,七七數之剩二,問物幾何?」~(孫武 孫子算經) 亦即 求正整數C,使得 C ≡ 2 (mod 3) C ≡ 3 (mod 5) C ≡ 2 (mod 7) 兩個疑問? (1) C是否存在? (2) 如何求C? 回答(1):中國剩餘定理 Let r1,r2,…,rn be integers. an integer C. st. C ≡ r1 (mod m1) C ≡ r2 (mod m2) . . . C ≡ rn (mod mn) If (mi, mj)=1, EX:令m1=3,m2=5,m3=7,且令 r1=2,r2=3,r3=2, C=23, s.t. C mod m1 = 23 mod 3 = 2, C mod m2 = 23 mod 5 = 3, C mod m3 = 23 mod 7 = 2. 回答(2): 「三人同行七十稀 五樹梅花廿一枝 七子團圓正半月 除百零五便得知。」 ~(程大位 算法統宗(1593)) 亦即 70×2+21×3+15×2 =140+63+30 =233 233÷105= 餘23 Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Functions Non-linear Organization Ex: binary tree Linear Organization hashing key to address transformation problem: collision particular cases (1) one-to-one mapping and | key space | ≤ | address space | Hashing (2)one-to-one mapping and | key space | = | address space| Minimal Perfect Hashing Minimal Perfect Hashing (Cont.) Some questions Minimal Perfect Hashing (Cont.) Ans(1): Chinese Remainder Theorem Minimal Perfect Hashing (Cont.) Ans(2): Use Prime Number Functions Ans(3): Minimal Perfect Hashing (Cont.) Ex: m1=4, m2=5, m3=7, m4=9 Applications-12 months English identifiers Applications-12 months English identifiers (Cont.) Extract (The 2nd char., The 3rd char.) Applications-12 months English identifiers (Cont.) Applications-12 months English identifiers (Cont.) 36 Pascal Reserved Words Conclusions Design a perfect hashing function to allow insertion and deletion of keys How to speed up the calculation of C? Multi-key hashing More applications? * * h Perfect hashing Minimal perfect hashing Ex: key set={20, 21, …, 217} h(k) = k mod 19 is a perfect hashing since bi Mi i C JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOV


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