微小尺度燃烧中淬熄距离和贫燃极限的分析-analysis of quenching distance and lean burn limit in micro-scale combustion.docx
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微小尺度燃烧中淬熄距离和贫燃极限的分析-analysis of quenching distance and lean burn limit in micro-scale combustion
above 1000℃ at the firing power about 4kW. When the power was 4.3kW, the
maximum radiation density reached up to 9kW/m2. Combustion in porous media can be organized in large area with better temperature uniformity. For a given firing power, the better uniformity of surface radiation temperature can be obtained at low equivalence ratio. When the equivalence ratio was 0.5, the surface radiation
temperature gradient was 1.7 ℃/mm at power of 4.3kW. Heat recuperation can
improve the radiation temperature and the radiation efficiency. However, it easily led to flashing back. In contrast with the side-face radiator, the top-face radiator can obtain higher and more uniform radiative surface temperature and it is easily installed with PV cells for systems integration. However, the radiative surface area was smaller. Experimental results of the top-face radiator showed that the maximum relative temperature difference was less than 3% and a self-sustainable combustion was achieved at the lowest equivalence ratio of 0.33. For all experimental cases, the NOx emissions in both radiators were less than 25 PPM; the CO emissions are lower than 10 PPM at the equivalence ratio higher than 0.45.
A mini-scale porous combustor with heat recuperation was designed. Both methane and propane combustion are experimentally investigated in terms of small scale combustion characteristic, lean extinction limit and low pollutant emissions. Research was assistanted by numerical method to study combustion temperature and heat recovery efficiency. Experimental results showed that a long time stable combustion can be maintained with the firing power in the range of 0.2 ~ 3.8kW. The lean extinction limit was 0.40 for the methane combustion, while 0.39 for the propane combustion. In most cases, the NOx emission was about 20PPM and the CO emission was lower than 100PPM. Using two temperature model, effective thermal conductivity model, the established numerical m
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