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【法宝引证码】 CLI.A.1234869? 原文链接: HYPERLINK /qikan/0d5fda2ac71608f7a36cf1bc1f5f26c5bdfb.html \t _blank /qikan/0d5fda2ac71608f7a36cf1bc1f5f26c5bdfb.html 中华法系之法律学术考 期刊名称: HYPERLINK /journal/articlebyclass?ClassCodeKey=2, \t _blank 《中外法学》 期刊年份: HYPERLINK /journal/findarticle?FilterItems.JournalYear=2018 \t _blank 2018 摘要: 中华法系是人类文明史上重要的法律体系之一,它能够在东亚这块土地上生存发展1300余年,不仅有《唐律疏议》等一批著名法典,以及长孙无忌、大和长冈等一批著名律学家,而且有《令集解》《律例笺释》等一批作品构成的法律学术即律学,它们支撑着中华法系的发展、繁荣和延续。而古代中日两国的律学(日本称明法道)则是中华法系法律学术的主体。因此,认真梳理、详细阐述古代中日之法律学术的起源与发展,它的主要内容和基本特征,律学发展的内在逻辑以及其历史文化遗产,是法学研究尤其是中华法系研究的一个重要课题,也是我国新时期弘扬中国传统法律文化的重要任务之一。 英文摘要: The Chinese Legal Family, which was born and had developed in East Asia over 1,300 years, was one of the most important legal systems in human civilization. It not only produced a number of codes such as the Tang Code and a group of jurists such as Zhangsun Wuji and Yamato Nagaoka, but also nurtured the legal science composed of many jurisprudential masterpieces such as Notes on the Y?r? Ritsury? and Notes on the Ming Code. Altogether, they underpinned development, prosperity and continuance of the Chinese Legal Family. The jurisprudence of ancient China and Japan is the main body of the legal science of the Chinese Legal Family. Therefore, to sort out and expound the origin and development of the legal science of ancient China and Japan, its content and characteristics, its growth logic, and historical and cultural heritage, is an important task of legal research and research of the Chinese Legal Family in particular as well as an important task for promotion of Chinese traditional legal culture in China’s new era. 作者: HYPERLINK /journal/articlebyauthor?author=何勤华 \t _blank 何勤华 中文关键词: HYPERLINK /journal/findarticle?ExtCondition.InfoKeyword=中华法系 \t _blank 中华法系 HYPERLINK /journal/findarticle?ExtCondition.InfoKeyword=法律学术 \t _blank 法律学术 HYPERLINK /journal/findarticle?ExtCondition.InfoKeyword=律学 \t _blank 律学 HYPERLINK /journal/findarticle?ExtCondition.InfoKeyword=明法道 \t _bla


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