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基于单片机的多路报警器设计(毕业论文) 本科毕业设计 基于单片机的多路报警器设计 摘 要 随着科学技术的日新月异,人类社会取得了很大的进步。在生活、工农业生产、气象、环保、国防、科研、航天等领域,经常都需要对环境中的温度、湿度、光照强度、气体等环境参数进行检测及控制。而且随着可燃可爆性气体种类和应用范围的增加,贮气仓库内的气体泄漏、火灾爆炸事故日益增多。从安全、环保及经济等方面上考虑,研制一种实用的多路报警系统是非常必要的。 基于这个需求,本设计利用传感器对环境中的温湿度以及可燃气体进行检测,当这些参数不符合预定设置的参数值时,就会自动报警。系统选用MQ_2气体传感器对现场可燃性气体浓度进行检测,选用AM2301温湿度传感器对温度和空气湿度进行检测,采用功能和性价比较高的AVR ATmega16单片机作为中央处理单元,对环境参数进行采集处理并产生自动报警。 本设计可以检测空气中以烷类气体为主的多种可燃性气体的浓度,以及空气温湿度,当达到预先设定的上限或下限报警设定值时,发出声音报警信号,以提示操作人员采取安全对策或自动控制相关安全装置。该报警器可以实时、准确检测可燃性气体以及温湿度并且可以长时间可靠无误的报警,具有很广泛的应用前景和推广价值。 关键词:可燃气体 温湿度 单片机 报警器 Multi-way Alarm Based on MCU Zeng Xiaoling College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China Abstract: With the advances of science and technology, human society has made great progress. In life, industrial and agricultural production, weather, environmental protection, defense, research, aerospace and other fields, often wan to detect and control the environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, light intensity, gas concentration. And with the increase of kind and range of combustible and explosive gas, the number of gas leak, fire and explosion in the air storage warehouse increasing. Be based on security, environmental and economic considerations, developed a practical multi-channel alarm system is necessary. Base on this demand, this design uses a sensor to detect temperature, humidity and combustible gas, when these parameters do not meet the pre-determined parameter values, it will automatically alarm. Use MQ_2 gas sensor for combustible gas concentration detection, AM2301 temperature and air humidity sensor for temperature and air humidity testing, functionality and cost-effective AVR ATmega16 microcontroller as a central processing unit, to collecting and processing environmental parameters and alarm automatically The design can detect the concentrations of a variety of combustible gas such as n-hex


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