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PAGE PAGE 6 仁爱英语八年级下单词表 Unit 5 Topic 1 Why all the smilling faces? invite say thanks to worried smile none disappointed taste unpopular silly cruel landlord seem film moving proud be proud of smell set the table upset surprised Austria cry lonely lively cheer up mad at first Titanic America fall into frightened in the end come into being role facial gesture culture foreigner nowadays peace make peace with sb. grateful Unit 5 Topic2 I feel better now. strict be strict with shy send e-card take it easy feeling fail joke experience suggestion normal soft stranger as…as usual be/get used to(doing)sth. accept clap deal deal with elder refuse understand sadness anybody unfair though even though no longer Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings. nervous calm calm down bitter reassure bored CD (compact disk) DVD(digital videodisc) test speech monitor affect get along with schoolmate mood boss headmaster workmate passport especially hang tear asleep fall asleep thought confident earthquake topic noise such such as spirit magazine think over decision sense husband wife Unit 6 Topic 1 Were going on a spring field trip. field vehicle find out task airplane airline decide total sunrise raise discuss book sleeper cinema hotel reservation refrigerator air conditioning standard condition comfortable person work out common come up with dollar draw sell cellphone noon safely top forward look forward to(doing)sth. hear from as soon as temple daytime in the daytime local Unit 6 Topic2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs? receive postcard bet you bet explore dialog pe


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