TCI的理论与 及实践.ppt

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TCI的理论与 及实践.ppt

* Optimisation Of Induction Timing 0 50 100 time (min) %max CE 40 80 120 160 PAM (mmHg) 0 4 8 12 16 intubation sufentanil propofol Sufentanil in TCI: Induction M, 40yr, 170cm, 70kg M, 40yr, 170cm, 70kg Sufentanil ETCI 5 Propofol PTCI 1.5ug/ml 3.5ug/ml 0.3ng/ml Intubation Sufentanil in TCI: Maintenance and Emergence M, 40yr,170cm,70kg Sufentanil ETCI Propofol PTCI Induction Intubating Skin incision End of Surgery 0.08ng/ml 1.5ug/ml 3.5ug/ml Sufentanil in TCI ETCI Induction: 0.25-0.3ng/ml; 0.35-0.5ng/ml (Cardiac surgery) Maintenance: 0.15-0.25 ng/ml Emergence: Sufentanil 0.1-0.06 ng/ml NASIDS Local infiltration, Epidural, Never block Postoperative: PCA Morphine: Bolus 1 mg, Lockout time 5-6 min, Max 10-12mg/hr, Basal infusion 0.5-0.25mg/h TCI的注意事项: 确保TCI泵正常工作 药物浓度设置正确 确保药物尽快进入患者体内 密切监测和观察 对老年\危重\大手术患者,推荐使用麻醉深度监测仪,如BIS监测 Input: Body weight Age Gender Height Drugs: Propofol (Cp) +Remifentanil (Cp) Propofol (Cp) + Sufentanil (Ce) Anesthetics sedatives opioids propofol sufentanil remifentanil Marsh Schnider Gepts Minto Sufentanil and Remifentanil in TCI Propofol+Remifentanil Propofol+Sufentanil Induction 3.0-3.5 ?g/ml 4-8 ng/ml 3-4 ?g/ml 0.25-0.3 ng/ml Maintenance 2.5-3.0 ?g/ml 4.0-8.0 ng/ml 3.0-4.0 ?g/ml 0.14-0.25 ng/ml Emergence Analgesic transition 0 0.06-0.08 ng/ml Our Practice—IV Line 监测麻醉深度 TCI-IVA Inhalational anesthesia BP、HR BP、HR Movement Movement Predicted Cp and Ce Measured ET-inhalatonal agents BIS BIS + = 竟安?新一代丙泊酚制剂 降低注射痛 降低血脂 减少肝脏负荷 Agilia?TIVA 直觉性的一代 TIVA\TCI双模式可选 完备的TCI模型 ----既可镇静,亦可肌松 药库服务 好“马” + 好“鞍” = 麻醉更简单 更方便 更精确 更安全 麻醉效果更好 Our Practice—IV Line Our Practice— 工欲善其事,必先利其器 Patient Safety Pump problem Surgery S t i m u l a t i o n



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