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9. fancy ② n. a feeling of liking sb. or sth. Words and Expressions—Word Using I have taken a fancy to that hat. 我特别喜欢那顶帽子。 Translation e.g. He took a fancy to the girl next door. Key 9. fancy doing sth. ③ vt. want something or want to do something. Words and Expressions—Word Using I really fancy going for a swim. 我非常想去游泳。 Translation e.g. Fancy her saying a thing like that. Key 10. vanish vi. disappear or go suddenly out of sight Words and Expressions—Word Using My hopes vanished. 我的希望化为泡影。 Translation e.g. Many species have now vanished from the earth. Key 11. resist vt. prevent oneself from doing something Words and Expressions—Word Using I can’t resist the urge to go home early. 我无法抗拒早些回家的冲动。 Translation e.g. The nation was unable to resist the invasion. Key Active Expressions Focus Study 1. … yet whose written words had been with him and had given him strength without fail. 2. Remember, both of us are free to stop or to go on after that—if that’s what we choose ... 3. …her hair sporting patches of gray. 4. She was more than fat. Find out the active expressions: Notes to the Text—Active Expressions 1. without fail 必定;总是 2. be free to do … 随意做······ 3. sport 穿着······,留着 (发型) 4. more than (+adjective) 十分,非常 Active Expressions Notes to the Text—Active Expressions 1. 务必在八点整到达。 2. 你有完全的自由选择自己的道路。 3. 他穿着一件无领夹克。 4. 至于他的同事们,他们真是太好了。 Translation Notes to the Text—Active Expressions Tips 1. Be here at 8 o’clock sharp, without fail. 2. You are totally free to choose your own course. 3. He sported a collarless jacket. 4. As to his colleagues, they are more than good. Notes to the Text—Active Expressions More Practice Key 迪克每天必定去看他母亲。 假期中孩子们应该想干什么就干什么。 他身材魁梧,留着红胡须。 婴儿通常对漫画都非常感兴趣。 Notes to the Text—Active Expressions More Translation Dick visits his mother every day without fail. During the holiday children should be free to do what



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