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人力资源管理 关于招聘外文翻译

2010届本科毕业论文外文翻译 题目名称 Skills shortage and recruitment in the SME sector 中文题目 中小企业招聘中的技能短缺 来源 Gerald Vinten, (1998) Skills shortage and recruitment in the SME sector, Career Development International, Vol. 3 Iss: 6, pp.238 - 242 学院 工商管理学院 专业班级 人力0802 学号 学生姓名 陈菊霜 指导老师 蔡莉 英文原文: Title: Skills shortage and recruitment in the SME sector Author(s): HYPERLINK /search.htm?ct=allst1=Gerald+Vintenfd1=aut \o Author search for Gerald Vinten. Gerald Vinten, (Southampton Business School, Southampton, UK) Citation: Gerald Vinten, (1998) Skills shortage and recruitment in the SME sector, Career Development International, Vol. 3 Iss: 6, pp.238 - 242 Keywords: HYPERLINK /search.htm?ct=jnlst1=Human+resource+managementfd1=kwdmm1=all \o Keywords: Human resource management. Human resource management, HYPERLINK /search.htm?ct=jnlst1=Job+evaluationfd1=kwdmm1=all \o Keywords: Job evaluation. Job evaluation, HYPERLINK /search.htm?ct=jnlst1=Recruitmentfd1=kwdmm1=all \o Keywords: Recruitment. Recruitment, HYPERLINK /search.htm?ct=jnlst1=Remunerationfd1=kwdmm1=all \o Keywords: Remuneration. Remuneration, HYPERLINK /search.htm?ct=jnlst1=Small-to-medium-sized+enterprisesfd1=kwdmm1=all \o Keywords: Small-to-medium-sized enterprises. Small-to-medium-sized enterprises, HYPERLINK /search.htm?ct=jnlst1=Trainingfd1=kwdmm1=all \o Keywords: Training. Training Article type: Research paper DOI: HYPERLINK /10.1108/ \o DOI resolver for 10.1108/. 10.1108/ (Permanent URL) Publisher: MCB UP Ltd Abstract: Skills shortage and recruitment is an area of undeniable importance to the SME sector and a challenge for human resource management. This article reports on the findings from a study of people management in over 300 organizations employing typically between 20 and 200 people. It aims to provide a clear understanding of how both larger and smaller SMEs recruit and select staff. It finds that the SMEs may have some advantages in the extent to which they can use f


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