机械工程及自动化专业本科(毕业论文) 固体发酵反应器设计.doc

机械工程及自动化专业本科(毕业论文) 固体发酵反应器设计.doc

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机械工程及自动化专业本科(毕业论文) 固体发酵反应器设计

PAGE 40 PAGE II 编号 本科生毕业设计(论文) 题目: 固体发酵反应器设计 机械工程 学院机械工程及自动化 专业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 二〇〇九年六月 摘要 摘 要 本设计主要说明了一种新型的固态发酵反应器,属于微生物固态发酵设备技术.目前随着能源危机与环境问题的日益严重,固态发酵技术以其特有的优点引起人们极大的兴趣,然而固态反应器的设计存在着很大的难度.如何有效地控制反应器内的温度、湿度、通风量及事宜的PH等等成为了设计固态发酵反应器重要的一些要求.本次的毕业设计主要是针对固态发酵的一些要求初步做出符合要求的固态发酵设备.设计出的这个固态发酵反应器主要是通过冷却液在箱体上流动,通过薄壁吸收发酵箱内的热量.同时通过搅拌器的不断搅拌和内部通风让固态物混合均匀、散热均匀,也可以通过空气来控制发酵箱内部的湿度等参数.传动部分通过行星减速器到联轴器,其中搅拌轴与传动轴通过花键链接,让搅拌器运行的更加平稳. 关键词:固态发酵;搅拌;通风;温度控制 Abstract Abstract Abstract ABSTRACT Design the reactor having explained that one kind of late-model solid state ferments mainly originally , belong to the microorganism solid state fermentation equipment technology. But at present with the energy crisis and the environment problem gradually grave, the solid state fermentation technology arouses people with whose proper merit extremely large interest, there is existing very big degree of difficulty in solid state reactor design. How the temperature controlling the reactor inners effectively , humidity , the amounts being ventilated and the matters concerned PH etc. have become the call for designing important few of solid state fermentation reactor. Time of graduation practice is that a few specifically for solid state fermentation require that the first step makes the solid state fermentation equipment according with call for out originally mainly. This solid state fermentation reactor designing that out is by the fact that cooling liquid flows in the box body mainly, quantity of heat by the fact that thin-wall absorbs the box inner fermenting. Let the solid state thing blend equation , heat dissipation equation at the same time by the fact that ceaseless mixer mixing and inside are ventilated, the humidity also being able to pass the inside coming to control the box fermenting air is isoparametric. The drive part arrives at a shaft coup


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