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中国制鞋业和温州模式:世界主要生产和出口鞋商的观点外文翻译 外文翻译 原文 China’s Shoe Manufacturing and the Wenzhou Model: Perspectives on the World’s Leading Producer and Exporter of Footwear Material Source: Journal Eurasian Geography and Economics Author:Y. H. Dennis Wei INTRODUCTION The global map of industrial production is in a state of nearly unprecedented flux, reflecting China’s spectacular rise and success in becoming a dominant player in the world economic arena. Although still identified with communist ideology, the country’s most dramatic growth in output has occurred in exportable consumer goods such as clothing and footwear. Exports from China have flooded global markets, so that the country has by now earned the well-deserved reputation as the “world’s factory.” In 2008, its GDP became the world’s third-largest, surpassing that of Germany and challenging the leading position of the United States. How has China achieved its remarkable rise in production, and what roles have its industries and regions played in the process? The country’s footwear industry represents a clearexample of China’s rise in manufacturing, and thus provides some revealing answers to that question. The limited Western literature posits that China’s footwear factories are concentrated in the export-oriented Pearl River Delta PRD, where growth is driven by foreign investment and external production under a blueprint for development popularly known as the PRD model e.g., see Scott, 2006. But while this picture reflects the situation in the early 1990s, it needs to be updated, if for no other reason that several major centers of footwear production including Quanzhou Fujian Province, Chengdu Sichuan, and Chongqing and Wenzhou Zhejiang also have by now been established in China. This paper attempts to expand our knowledge of industrial and regional development by presenting a study of footwear industry in the Wenzhou Municipality, which could be called China’s “capita


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