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the clinical symptoms of these tumors are often quite vague and tend to intensify only gradually in severity over a long period of time, most patients are first diagnosed when these carcinomas already are locally advanced。 The only chance for long term survival for these patients is a complete (International Union Against Cancer [UICC] R0) removal of the tumor。 the importance of N status One of the key factors that determines the prognosis of patients with tumors throughout the gastrointestinal tract is the involvement by tumor of regional lymph nodes (N status) For patients with AEG, the N status has been shown to be an independent prognostic factor。 recurrence Although surgical techniques have improved, the overall prognosis for patients with these tumors remains poor primarily due to local tumor recurrence and the development of distant metastases LNMM Micrometastasis was defined as tumor cell clusters measuring from 0.2 mm to 2.0 mm in their greatest dimension,and are commonly identified by immuno-histochemistry (IHC) but can be confirmed by routine HE。 isolated tumor cells (ITC) are defined as single tumor cells or small clusters of cells measuring ≤0.2 mm in their greatest dimension。 macrometastasis,MA how to find immunohistochemistry (IHC) Ber-EP4 AE1/AE3 CK19 CD44V6 (CAM5.2;E-CAD;CCR7 ;CXCR4) reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) how to find immunohistochemistry (IHC) Ber-EP4 AE1/AE3 CK19、20 CD44V6 (CAM5.2;E-CAD;CCR7 ;CXCR4) reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) Ber-Ep4 found in 1990 by U Latza, G Niedobitek, R Schwarting, H Nekarda, H Stein Ber-Ep4 is an antibody against two glycopolypeptides of 34 and 39 kD on the surface and the cytoplasm of all epithelial cells except for the superficial layers of squamous epithelia, parietal cells, and hepatocytes. The antibody does not cross-react with mesenchymal tissue including lymphoid tissue. how to find immunohistochemistry (IHC)


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