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商务跨文化交际 “跨文化传播”的概念 : 什么是跨文化传播学呢?跨文化传播学是由美国人类学家、跨文化研究学者爱德华?霍尔在20世纪50年代建立的一门学科,其英文表达为“Intercultural Communication 或 Cross-cultural Communication”,在我国也翻译为“跨文化交际学”或者“跨文化交流学”。跨文化传播学作为传播学的一个分支学科,旨在研究来自不同文化背景的人们是如何进行交流以及研究如何提高跨文化交流技巧,跨越跨文化交流障碍的方法和途径。跨文化传播学是一门跨领域的学科,融合了人类学、文化学、心理学以及传播学等领域的研究成果。跨文化传播的主要理论见诸于有关文化差异(文化维度)的著作中,特别是吉尔特?????霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)、哈里? C. 特兰狄斯(Harry C. Triandis)、方斯?特龙皮纳尔斯(Fons Trompenaars)、沙龙?施瓦兹(ShalomSchwartz)及克里佛德?吉尔兹(Clifford Geertz)等人的著作中。目前,这些学者的相关理论已经广泛地运用到传播理论和传播情景中,特别是商务、管理和市场营销之中。 爱德华?霍尔(1914年5月16日出生于美国的密苏里州), 社会学/文化人类学博士后。 20世纪50年代,爱德华?霍尔在美国美国政府部门的外派人员培训学院(Foreign Service Institute)任教,对外派出国人员进行跨文化技能培训。期间,他提出了“高语境”和“低语境”文化,并撰写了几部非常畅销的有关跨文化传播的著作。 目 录 1,General Introduction…, 2, What Does Cross-Cultural Communication Mean to Business People 3,How to Make Introduction 4,How to Deal with Business Cards 5,How to Schedule Visiting and Entertaining 6,ABC for Gifts Exchanging , 7, Are There Any Differences in Male and Female’s Communication 8,How Are Roles Females Playing in International Business? 9, What Is the Range of Non-Verbal Communication in Business? … 10,Similar Encoding and Decoding of Non-Verbal Signals 11,What Is Culture Conflict? 12,What Is Culture Shock,and Acculturation 13,What Is It Like at Negotiation Table 14,The Device of Stereotyping in Cross—Cultural Communication 15,How Can We Be International Hofstede and his Five Cultural Dimensions ?"Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster." ?Prof. Geert Hofsted霍夫斯泰德, Emeritus Professor, Maastricht University. Increasing internationalization has led to an appreciation that cultural differences are a key factor in getting things done in business. Working in France, Japan or the USA, for example, requires totally different styles of managing and co-operating. HYPERLINK "/cv_geert.html" Professor Geert Hofstede has developed a HYPERLINK "/" \t "_blank" five-dimensional model which explains c


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