第六讲 第一次世界大战历史遗产之国际体系(二).ppt

第六讲 第一次世界大战历史遗产之国际体系(二).ppt

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第六讲 第一次世界大战历史遗产之国际体系(二)

第六讲 第一次世界大战历史遗产之国际体系(二) A Difficult Peace The Versailles Treaty Negatives / Positives A dictated peace . Reparations were exorbitant ($33 B). Artificial boundaries separating German people. Polish corridor. Took away colonies/resources Some nationalities became forcefully separated Germany was able to pay the amount asked: needed access to foreign markets. Created new states that did reflect national autonomy. Rebirth of Poland. International body: The League of Nations Captive peoples were freed. No other treaty ever released so many subject races from domination of oppressive empires Major weapons were eliminated in defeated nations “A Peace Build on Quicksand” Treaty of Versailles creates feelings of bitterness on both sides German people feel bitter and betrayed after taking blame for war America never ratifies Treaty of Versailles Many Americans oppose League of Nations and involvement with Europe Some former colonies express anger over not winning independence Japan, Italy criticize agreement; gain less land than they want War Guilt Clause ----Germany was the blame for starting the war Clause 231: “War guilt” clause: “The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.” ? Extension Can you work out the message behind this cartoon? How useful are cartoons in understanding the reaction of ordinary Germans to the Treaty of Versailles? The blame game ! Mandate system Mandates - colonies of former Central Powers to be given to Allied nations To be given their independence sometime in future. From Ottoman Empire: Syria (France) Egypt and Palestine (Britain) ----A Peace to End All Peace -----A Difficult Peace The Treaty of Versailles 小


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