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( ) 2008年第 6期            哈尔滨商业大学学报 社会科学版            No. 6, 2008  总第 103期          JOURNAL OF HARB IN UN IV ER SITY OF COMM ERCE       Serial No. 103 [市场经济论坛 ] 基于主成分分析和灰色预测方法的 房地产预警体系研究 余  凯 (福建工程学院 ,福建 福州 350108) [摘  要 ] 房地产预警体系是房地产宏观调控体系的重要组成部分 。本文利用房地产相关经济理论 , 以福 州市为例 ,选择和构造了 7个房地产预警复合指标 ,并通过主成分分析法 ,确定了每个指标在预警体系中的权 重 , 同时结合预警界限 ,判断了每个指标历年的监测结果 ,进而求出福州市房地产历年的综合警度 ,最后利用灰 色预测模型对福州市未来两年房地产的发展情况进行了预测 。 [关键词 ] 房地产 ;预警 ;主成份 ;灰色预测 [中图分类号 ] F293. 30 [文献标识码 ]A  [文章编号 ] 167 1 - 7 112 (2008) 06 - 00 17 - 08 A Research on Urban Rea l E sta te - W arn in g w ith the M ethod of Pr in c ipa l Com ponen t and Grey Pred iction YU Kai ( Fuj ian U n iversity of Technology, Fuzhou 350108, Ch ina) Abstract: The real estate early - warn ing is a very important p art of m arco - control of the real estate. B ased on the theory of the real estate, tak ing Fuzhou for examp le, th is p ap er firstly selects seven comp lex real estate indices wh ich can reflect the real estate early - warn ing, and then determ ine the weight of every w ith the m ethod of p rincip al component. Secondly, according to the warn ing lim it, we judge the mon itoring resu lts of the real es tate indices every year. U lteriorly, we m akes and emp irical analysis of the developm ent of Fuzhou ’s real estate, obtain the early - warn ing resu lts. F i ( ) nally we adop t the GM 1, 1 model to p redict the fu tu re abou t Fuzhou ’s real estate in two years, and we find its trend is Su stainab le therm al. Key words: real estate; early - warn ing; p rincip



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