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國道東部公路蘇澳花蓮段隧道規劃設計之探討 邱琳濱 李勝宗 (台灣區國道新建工程局 台北市 10669 台灣) 摘要 行經台灣西部走廊之國道一號及三號高速公路已陸續完工通車,目前台灣地區高速公路之興建已逐漸往東 部山嶺區發展。國道東部公路蘇澳花蓮段全長 86 公里,隧道長 40 公里,約佔路線總長 46%,且均為雙孔單向公 路隧道,其中最長隧道長度逾10公里。國道東部公路位處歐亞板塊及菲律賓海板塊衝撞帶,山勢高聳陡峻,地質 複雜多變,豐沛之地下湧水及頻繁之地震活動,益顯本路段隧道工程之艱難程度。 本計畫已完成工程規劃及初步設計作業,目前正值細部設計階段,且部分路段已於今年(2004年)起分階 段施工。本文除對本計畫之隧道工程加以介紹外,並探討隧道通過困難地段之處理對策,兼對長隧道之通風系統 及「防災隧道」之設計概念略作敘述,期藉由本次研討會的進行,達成工程技術交流之目的。 關鍵字 新奧工法,挪威工法,熱釋放率,點排式通風系統 THE PLANNING AND DESIGN FOR TUNNELS OF EASTERN EXPRESSWAY SUAO-HUALIEN SECTION Chiou Lin Bin, Lee Shen Chung (Taiwan Area National Expressway Engineering Bureau, Taipei 10669 Taiwan) Abstract The construction of freeway No.1 and No.3 along the western corridor of Taiwan had completed successively, now both freeways are in the stage of operation. Recently, the constructions of expressway are developed toward the mountainous terrain in the eastern region of Taiwan. The alignment of Eastern Expressway Suao-Hualien Section passes through the eastern part of the Central Mountain Ranges, the total length of route is 86 km, 46% of them are tunnels, these tunnels are separate-twin tubes in design, each tube consists of two traffic lanes. Among these tunnels the longest one is 10.1 km in length. The Eastern Expressway Suao-Hualien Section situated on the convergent and compressive boundary between the Eurasian and the Philippine Sea Plates, the difficulties of tunnel construction are inevitable due the heterogeneous geological conditions and the abundant underground water problems. The planing and preliminary design of this project had completed, now the detail design is procee


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