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How to Conduct Decent Research Work Feng Zheng, Ph.D. Materials Chemistry Central South University Aims Provide a simple but formal introduction to young researchers the basic strategy employed by peer-reviewed scientists around the world Personal experience home and abroad Suggestions for future work Editorial work Itches of translation/interpretation Identify a Project Literature search (up to now) Introduction (why, what, how, what) Why is/are this/these important What has/have been done How did they do What was/were left (for you) and What do you want to do Theoretical work? Experimental work? Title Proper words for your title 好的开头是成功的一半 A good beginning is half done. Be caution when using on, investigation, research and study for title Theory Experiment Set-up What do you want to do Improve or against existing theory? Provide more data? Propose novel ideas? How to achieve your goals Better or reliable theoretical analysis Better or new experimental results Raw materials Equipments Experiment procedure Results New theoretical analysis (not ease) For most engineering work we need: Chemical composition Structure Mechanical properties Physical properties Etc. In proper order Analysis or Discussion How to describe your results How to make comparison with literature Why are your work important What are your contribution to science or engineering What are your conclusions Conclusions What are your conclusions Theoretical analysis Experimental results Work ongoing or suggestions Abstract What has/have been done Most important results Tune of past – was/were, has/have been Acknowledgements Financial support Help for discussion and theoretical analysis Help of technicians Literature Citation History of this work Make yours part of the history Later work has to cite your paper (important) Style according to instruction for authors of chosen journal Check list Title (eye-catching) Authors (team work*) Abstract (concise) Introduction (story-telling) Exper


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