建筑工程项目质量管理和控制的研究 毕业论文brqiujs7.doc

建筑工程项目质量管理和控制的研究 毕业论文brqiujs7.doc

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建筑工程项目质量管理和控制的研究 毕业论文brqiujs7

摘 要 随着科技的进步和社会的进步,建筑业在社会进步中占据着举足轻重的地位。在不断发展的过程中,工程建设,科研开发等活动越来越复杂,对于从事这一行业的我们也提出了越来越高的要求。我们的注意力更加需要关注在保证质量的同时获得投资最大的经济效益,于是项目管理这一学科的建立和发展必不可少。在建筑业发展迅速的今天,作为管理者更加需要注意建设项目投资大,技术要求高,资源耗量大的特点来应对一系列的问题。建设项目的质量不仅关系到国家和企业投资的有效利用,而且关系到国民经济的持续、快速和健康发展,所以把建设项目作为重点是我们义不容辞的责任。 本文从建筑项目质量管理的总体知识体系出手,着重分析了项目管理控制的影响,系统的介绍了项目质量管理和项目质量控制的基本概念和处理方法。并对项目质量控制的改进问题,进行了分析和研究。最后通过对某学院建筑项目的实例分析中的质量控制管理进行了系统的分析。 关键词:项目管理质量;项目控制;建筑工程项目 Abstract In recent years, with the progress of technology and society, the construction has played an important position in the social progress. In the progress of the construction development, engineer construction and scientific research become more and more complex, the industry are also put forward higher requirements for us all. We should put our attention on investing in to guarantee the quality and the biggest economic benefits at the same time. So the establishment and development of the project management is essential. In today’s rapidly developed construction industry, as a manager should pay more attention to the series of problems, such as the characteristics of large investment , high technical requirements and resources consumption. Construction project quality not only relates to the effective use of national and corporate investment, and is related to the sustained, rapid and healthy development of national economy, so the construction project as the key is our bounden responsibility. The overall project management knowledge from the system by focusing on the analysis of the whole process of project management communication, emphatically analyzed the impact of project management control, the system introduces the basic concept of project quality management and project quality control and processing method. And the improvement of project management quality control problems are analyzed and studied. Finally through the analysis of the instance of a school building, project quality control management is in system analysis. Keyword:project quality



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