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* 凭证类型 AA - 资产记帐 AE - 在建工程记帐 AF - 折旧记帐 KR - 有供应商发票的记帐 DR - 带客户出售的记帐 ---系统操作附加说明 记帐代码 70 - 资产借方 75 - 资产贷方 40 - 总帐科目借方 50 - 总帐科目贷方 31 - 供应商发票 01 - 客户发票 * ---系统操作附加说明 * 100 - 外部购置 200 - 无收入报废 250 - 当年购置无收入报废 210 - 有收入报废 260 - 当年购置有收入报废 300 - 从资本化资产的前年购置的报废转帐 340 - 在建工程资产的前年购置的报废转帐 资产业务类型 ---系统操作附加说明 相关日期 资本化日期 一般指资产的记帐日期,即资产有价值日,是折旧起始日期的基准日。 折旧起始日期 资产折旧开始计提的日期 资产价值日期 _ 决定资产价值变动的日期 * ---系统操作附加说明 * 感谢参加 * * * * * The chart of accounts list contains all of the charts of accounts that you support within a client The chart of accounts in the R/3 system is a list of all G/L account master records which are used in one or several company codes. For every G/L account master record, the chart of accounts contains the account number, the account name and controlling information. * Notes : * 1、在SAP系统中一个法律上独立的公司通常由一个公司代码代表, 2、公司代码是最小的组织单无,完整的会计业务可在其中执行 3、你可以通过输入公司名称、地址数据、国家货币来定义一个公司代码 * Notes : When the first acquisition is posted, the asset value date, together with the period control in the depreciation key, sets the depreciation start date in the asset master record. The system determines the planned depreciation for the year. When further transactions are posted to the master record, these values are corrected correspondingly by the system. Note : Posting date and asset value date must always be in the same fiscal year. * Notes : By entering the transfer transaction type, you will reach a screen, in which you must enter the asset, to which the transfer is to be performed, and the amount of the cost to be transferred. As in retirement postings, the system automatically determines the proportional accumulated depreciation * When capitalizing assets under construction, the transactions from previous years are automatically separated from the transactions in the current year : TTY 340 - Acquisitions from previous years from retiring AUC TTY 341 - Acquisitions from previous years to acquiring capi



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