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Green energy ——Producer:Tommy、Jeremy、Sam、Damon What is green energy? Green energy is energy that is produced in such a way as to minimize its negative impact on the environment. such as solar, hydro energy, wind, and hydrogen energy . Even nuclear energy is sometimes considered a green energy source, because some types of nuclear technology produce much less waste than oil and coal. Traditional energy sources, most notably fossil fuels, produce greenhouse gases that are believed to be the primary cause of an effect known as global warming or climate change and pollute the environment.At the same time the energy crisis also makes green energy in a more prominent position why green energy is important? Hydro energy Hydro energy is simple energy that is taken from water and converted into electricity. Hydro energy arises due to potential energy of water. In dams, water is stored at high level. It makes pressure which runs turbine coupled to generator and makes electricity. Table 1 shows that the utilization rate of hydropower in the developed countries are very high, especially in Europe countries! Its known to all that the environment of these countries is first-rate. The disadvantages are that the change in water flow will effect the fish and making space to put the hydro facility can cause the deaths of plants and animals as well as destruction of habitat. It can kill lots of fishy. Also, it affects the river downstream from the dam built. Wind Energy What is wind energy? WIND Where is wind energy collected? This energy can be harnessed in areas subject to reasonably consistent and strong winds. They may be large areas of flat land or those near coasts that are subject to prevailing winds. In China, wind energy can be effectively harnessed in areas located in North, Northwest and Northeast . 锐普PPT论坛chinakui首发: Number of wind turbines in the world Wind energy had been greatly utilized since 1930. It reach the


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