基于Web Service无线路灯远程监控系统.docVIP

基于Web Service无线路灯远程监控系统.doc

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基于Web Service无线路灯远程监控系统

基于Web Service无线路灯远程监控系统   摘 要: 传统城镇路灯控制系统采用有线网络布局,施工复杂、控制线路浪费、事后管理复杂、检修不易、能源浪费。采用当前的无线通信与网络技术,设计并实现了一种基于Web Service的无线路灯远程监控系统,系统分为4层:应用服务层采用CS架构,LabVIEW实现; 数据中心层采用公网IP,.net+SQL架构实现; 基于GPRS的汇聚通信层采用TCP?Modbus通信协议; 现场执行层单灯管理模块采用ZigBee与上层通信。该系统具有网络布线简单,路灯控制方式智能、灵活、方便,线路检修维护方便,系统设计造价低,模块可灵活配置,系统应用扩展性强等诸多优点。该系统亦适用于准实时数据通信量不大的远程监控系统中。   关键字: Web Service; GPRS; ZigBee; 无线路灯监控; LPC2294; ARM7; CC2530; DTU   中图分类号: TN926?34;TP277 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2015)11?0005?05   Street lamps′ remote wireless monitoring system based on Web Service   ZHANG Qing?jie1, XU You1, XUE Guo?qing2   (1. School of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China;   2. Nanjing Yan Xu Electrical Science and Technology Limited Company, Nanjing 210000, China)   Abstract: The wired network layout is mainly adopted in traditional town street lamp control system which has complex construction, waste of control wiring, complex after?management, difficult overhaul and energy waste. With the current wireless communication and network technology, a new remote wireless monitoring system for street lamps was designed and implemented based on Web Service. The proposed system is divided into 4 layers: application service layer adopting the CS architecture and realized by LabVIEW; data center layer adopting the public network IP and realized by .net+SQL architecture; converged communication layer based on GPRS and TCP?Modbus communication protocol; spot execution layer, in which single lamp management module adopts ZigBee to realize communication with upper layer. The new system has many advantages: simple network layout; intelligent, flexible, convenient street lamp control mode; easy line service and maintain; low cost in system design; flexible module configuration; better system application expansibility and so on. The system can be also applied in the other remote monitoring system which has little quasi real?time communication traffic.   Keywords: Web Service; GPRS; ZigBee;


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