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「可再生能源意見調查」結果Results of Survey on Renewable Energy
調查日期 Date of survey: 4-15/5/2015
總樣本 Total sample: 1,030
調查方法 Survey method: 透過訪問員以隨機電話訪問形式進行
Random telephone surveys conducted by interviewers
訪問對象 Target population: 18 歲或以上操粵語的香港居民
Cantonese speakers in Hong Kong of age 18 or above
Q1. 有意見認為要解決現時既氣候變化及空氣污染問題,政府需要逐步改用可再生能源去取
It is proposed that in order to solve the current climate changeglobal warming and air
pollution problems, the government should start to replace fossil fuels such as coal,
natural gas and petroleum with renewable energy for electricity generation. How much
do you agree or disagree with this view?
非常同意 Very much agree 42.6%
幾同意 Quite agree 40.5%
一半半 Half-half 8.1%
幾唔同意 Quite disagree 2.7%
非常唔同意 Very much disagree 0.5%
唔知 ∕ 難講 Dont know / hard to say 5.7%
Q2 你有幾清楚兩間電力公司係減少排放溫室氣體方面既表現?
How familiar are you with the performance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by
the two power companies?
非常清楚 Very familiar 1.3%
幾清楚 Quite familiar 5.8%
一半半 Half-half 13.3%
幾唔清楚 Quite disagree 32.6%
完全唔清楚 Very much disagree 47.0%
Q3 你認為政府應唔應該開放電網,從而鼓勵兩電以外既投資者參與發展可再生能源?
Do you think the government should open up the electricity grid in Hong Kong, in
order to encourage investors other than two power companies, to participate in the
development of renewable energy?
應該 Yes 83.7%
唔應該 No