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第37卷 第5期 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) Vol.37,No.5
2013年9月 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Sciences Edition) Sept. ,2013
袁德义,范晓明,谭晓风,曾艳玲,唐 静,杨 亚
(中南林业科技大学,经济林培育与保护教育部重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410004)
剂对不定芽的增殖和生根的影响,同时分析了不同基质对组培苗移栽成活率的影响。 结果表明:(1)将带芽茎
段接种在1/ 2MS +NAA(05 mg/ L) +6 -BA(10 mg/ L) +ZT(05 mg/ L)的培养基中腋芽诱导率最高可达
745%;叶片接种在1/ 2MS+TDZ(10 mg/ L)+IAA(01mg/ L)+6 -BA(20 mg/ L)培养基中培养7 周后可产
生不定芽。 (2)不定芽切成小块或单芽后转到1/ 2MS+6-BA(10 mg/ L)+NAA(005 mg/ L)中生长良好,增殖
系数为417。 (3)试管苗经1g/ L 的IBA处理5 s转入1/ 2MS 空白培养基50 d后,生根率高达883%,平均根长
372 cm,每株平均根数8条。 (4)组培苗移栽到泥炭和蛭石体积比例为1∶1的混合基质中,成活率可达825%。
中图分类号:S722 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-2006(2013)05-0035-05
Culturein vitro and rapidpropagation techniques of buds andleafs in Camellia oleifera
YUAN Deyi,FAN Xiaoming,TAN Xiaofeng,ZENG Yanling,TANGJing,YANG Ya
(The Key Lab of Non⁃wood Forest Nurturing and Protection of National Ministry of Education,Central South
University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha410004,China)
Abstract:The effects of plant growth regulators on the adventitious bud proliferation and rooting in Camellia oleifera
were studied by usingnew shoot (withbuds)andleaf asexplantstoestablishafastreproductivesystem. Andtheeffects
of different medium on survival rate of transplanted tissue culture seedlings were also investigated. The results showed
that:(1)Thehighest frequency of shoot formationwas obtained when explants(stemwith buds)were cultured on 1/ 2MS+
NAA(0.5 mg/ L)+6-BA(1.0 mg/ L)+ZT (0.5 mg/ L). Theinducementrateof validbudsreachedto745%. The
regenerated shoot from leaf wasobtainedwhen culturedon 1/ 2MS+TDZ(1.0 mg/ L)+IAA(0.1mg/ L)+6-BA(2.0