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基于双随机森林透析病患白蛋白缺失值估计   摘 要:数据缺失是临床试验中常见但又不可避免的问题之一。由于医疗设备欠缺或者病患忽略检测白蛋白,可能造成白蛋白指标缺失。随着机器学习的广泛应用,很多研究者将机器学习应用在缺失数据估计上。提出一种基于随机森林与聚类方法结合的算法――双随机森林回归法,并将该算法应用于估计白蛋白缺失值。在准确率和鲁棒性方面,双随机森林回归法相比于最近邻法、决策树与随机森林方法,均有不同程度提高。该算法为缺失值的有效处理提供了一种新思路,可以为其它的缺失值估计研究提供参考。   关键词:血液透析;白蛋白;随机森林;缺失值;数据缺失   DOI:10.11907/rjdk.173135   中图分类号:TP319   文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7800(2018)005-0124-03   Abstract:Data missing is a common problem in clinical trials. The indicator of the albumin (ALB) is very important since it is associated with prognosis and mortality in patients with renal failure. And due to lack of medical equipment or patients ignorance of the detection of albumin, the value of albumin may be missed. With the widespread application of machine learning, many researchers have applied machine learning to the estimation of missing data in order to improve the quality of the dataset, and their work have got good results. In this paper, the method based on random forest and clustering and twice random forest, that is, Random forest regression-Kmeans-Random forest regression, RKR is proposed to apply this algorithm to estimate the albumin deletion value.The principle of the algorithm is to make use of the advantages of random forests in predicting nonlinear datasets. The process is divided into three parts. The first part is using the random forest regression method to impute the missing data of albumin. The second part is using the cluster method, Kmeans method, to cluster the dataset into six classes. Last but not the least, the third part is reusing the random forest regression method to impute the missing data of albumin. In terms of accuracy and robustness, the method performs better than the nearest neighbor regression method, decision regression tree and the random forest regression method. The algorithm provides a new approach for the efficient processing of missing values, which can be used as a reference for other researchers who study the estimation of missing values.   Key Wo


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