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本 科 毕 业 论 文 贵州中烟工业毕节卷烟厂配送路线优化 The Optimization of Distribution Route in Bijie Tobacco Factory ,Guizhou 学 院: 商学院 专业班级: 物流管理 学生姓名: XXX 学 号: 000000000 指导教师: XXX(教授) 2013年 6 月 毕业论文中文摘要 贵州中烟工业毕节卷烟厂配送路线优化 摘 要:在当今社会,面对日益竞争激烈的市场环境,各个企业都在试图增加自己的竞争优势。物流已经作为第三利润源逐渐被各企业所接受。对于大型国有垄断企业来说,物流成本在企业总成本中占有重要地位。大部分国有企业也觉察到自身物流上的不足,并将目光逐渐定位在降低物流成本上。而在整个物流活动中,运输是最重要一个环节,直接影响着企业的物流成本的高低。因此,对于物流运输路线的优化,可以有效的控制并降低物流费用,降低企业的成本,从而增加企业利润。 本文以贵州中烟工业毕节卷烟厂物流配送路线为研究对象,首先对其现有配送路线进行详细的研究与分析,找出其存在的问题,再根据企业自身状况与毕节市所处的山区交通特点,从系统的角度出发,应用相关数学优化模型,运用不同方法对其配送路线进行了优化,最后评价并选择适合该厂对其下七家分库配送的最优方法,提高了公司的竞争力和物流意识,节约了物流成本,增加了企业收益。 关键词:配送;数学优化;路线优化 毕业论文外文摘要 The optimization of distribution route in Bijie Tobacco Factory ,Guizhou Abstract: In todays society, facing the increasingly competitive market environment, all companies are trying to increase their competitive advantage. Logistics has been gradually accepted by each enterprise as a third profit source. Especially for production and processing enterprises, the logistics cost plays an important role in the total cost of enterprise. Most of the enterprises would have been focus on reducing the logistics cost. distribution logistics is the last link in the logistics activity, directly connecting businesses with customers, directly affecting the corporate profits. A good distibution logistics route, not only can increase sales proceeds, but also can improve service level and improve customer satisfaction to attract more customers. Therefore, improving and optimizing distribution logistics route can effectively restrict the logistics costs, reduce the cost of enterprise. Finally, it will increase the corporate profits. This paper takes Bijie Tobacco Facatory as a research object. First, researches and analysis the current distribution logistics system in detail, pointing out the problems of business distribution logistics


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