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PAGE PAGE 6 通讯地址:沈阳市皇姑区崇山东路74号(沈阳市妇女儿童保健中心 ) 邮政编码: 单位:沈阳市妇女儿童保健中心 作者姓名:谷玉凤 联系人姓名:谷玉凤 联系电话: 投稿作者简介: 姓名:谷玉凤 性别:女 年龄:53岁 学历:大专 毕业院校:沈阳医学专科学校 职称:副主任医师 所获重要科技奖项:辽宁省科学技术三等奖(获奖项目:以人群为基础监测出生缺陷及在妇幼保健网络中降低出生缺陷干预模式研究);沈阳市科学技术二等奖(获奖项目:妊娠期糖尿病孕期监测方案及干预措施的效果评价)。 968例孕妇膳食调查及营养评价分析 沈阳市妇女儿童保健中心 孕期营养门诊 谷玉凤 【关键词】孕妇;膳食调查;营养评价 [摘要] 目的:了解孕妇膳食的特点,并提出合理建议,以利于胎儿生长发育。方法:运用24h-72h回顾法对我院营养门诊2007年968例孕妇营养情况进行调查分析,对每个调查对象的各类食物摄入量进行询问,分别计算平均每日食物摄入量、每日营养素摄入量及营养素产能量。结果:孕早期营养素缺乏发生率大于孕中期和孕晚期;孕早期和孕晚期微量元素矿物质缺乏较为严重,孕晚期热量和蛋白质过剩发生率最为显著。由此可见孕早期与晚期膳食结构不合理问题更为突出。结论:孕妇健康教育亟待加强,应纠正孕妇不良的膳食习惯。 Assessment of nutritional status of 968 pregnancies Shenyang women and children health care center——pregnancy nutrition clinic Gu Yufeng 【Keywords】:Pregnant women; Diet surveys; Nutritional evaluation 【Summary】 Object: To explore dietary characteristics of pregnant women, so as to offer reasonable proposals on fetal development. Method: By using 24-hour Diet Recall, 968 pregnant women in our hospital were investigated during 2009, through which information about the intake of all kinds of food was collected from each subject. Then we calculated respectively their daily dietary intake, the daily nutrient intake and its daily energy production. Result: The incidence of lacking nutrients in the early stage of pregnancy is greater than in the midterm or the late stage. The lack of trace minerals in the early and the late stage is fairly serious, and the surplus of calories and proteins is especially distinct in the late stage. From all the above, we can draw a conclusion that it is even more notable that most of the investigated subjects have unbalanced diets in their early and late stage of pregnancy. Conclusion: It is vital to promote health education and rectify bad dietary habits among pregnant women. 孕妇的营养状况直接影响胎儿婴儿的体格与智力发育及孕妇自身健康;同时影响产后康复和哺乳。而孕妇的营养状况往往与孕妇自身的营养观念、营养知识和行为有关。各地饮食习惯不同、饮食结构差异很大、存在许多不合理情况,而制订饮食计划是孕妇健康的保障。为了解孕妇的膳食特点和状况,以便采取有针对性的健康教育,纠正不良的饮食习惯,本文对我院营养门诊2007年968例孕妇营养情况进行进行1-3天回顾法膳食调查,以客观地评价孕妇膳


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