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遠東學報第二十六卷第四期 中華民國九十八年十二月出版 TRIZ創新設計案例—防身拐杖 Case of TRIZ- Guarding Stick 劉志成 遠東科技大學電腦應用工程系副教授 莊庭杰 遠東科技大學機械工程系 摘 要 本文結合TRIZ 方法與腦力激盪法,提出一套創新問題求解流程,透過分 析設計對象或產品需改善的顧客問題,並找出產品應改善的工程特性及所對 應的39 工程參數(Engineering Parameters) ,藉由矛盾矩陣表或單一工程特性對 應的創新法則解出可用之40 創新法則(Inventive Principles) ,並結合創新法則 學習案例的引導提供設計者新的思考方向,再利用腦力激盪法(Brain Storming) 將所有可行的構想整合並提出設計方案。將此流程應用於產品之設計中,可 作為設計工程師於開發設計新產品時之參考,本文以拐杖為例,使用此創新 設計流程,針對現有之拐杖進行改良設計,以提升產品的使用效能。 關鍵詞 :TRIZ 、腦力激盪法、40 創新法則、拐杖 595 遠東學報第二十六卷第四期 中華民國九十八年十二月出版 Liu, Chih-Chen, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Application Engineering, Far East University Chuang, Ting-Chieh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Far East University Abstract Combined with TRIZ and Brain Storming, this study set up an innovation problem solving process. Through the analysis of the customer’s problems about the designed objects or products, the corresponding 39 engineering parameters and the product engineering characteristics which should be improved are found out. Through the contradiction table or the inventive principle corresponding with a single engineering parameter, 40 inventive principles will be solved. With the combination of the cases about Inventive Principles, the designers can be provided with a new thinking. With the application of Brain Storming, all the feasible ideas are integrated and then the relevant project can be presented. Providing that such process is applied to the design of products, this can become a reference to the


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