第十二篇 项目沟通管理.ppt

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项目沟通管理 Many experts agree that the greatest threat to the success of any project, is a failure to communicate. 学习提示 沟通管理的一般知识 沟通的内涵与外延 沟通类型 沟通的过程 正式沟通的渠道 信息沟通管理过程 制定沟通计划Communication planning 转送信息Information distribution 报告项目绩效Performance Reporting 管理利益相关者Managing stakeholders 沟通的概念 沟通是凭借一定的符号载体,在个体或群体间,把信息、思想和情感从发送者传递到接受者,并取得理解的过程。 沟通的目的是相互达到理解和交流 沟通的内容包括信息、思想和感情 沟通是提出和回应问题与要求 沟通是信息和思想交换的过程 沟通是一种有意识的行为 Functions of Communication 沟通的功能 Control 控制 Motivation 激励 Emotional expression 表达情绪 Information 传递信息 沟通的过程 Communication Channels Formal channels are established by the organization and transmit messages that are related to the professional activities of members 正式的信息渠道由组织建立传递的是与员工的职业活动相关的信息 Informal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual choices Personal and social messages 非正式信息渠道是自发的是为了满足个人的选择需要 传递的是私人的或社会的信息 Communication Direction Downward Upward Lateral 组织沟通类型 Interpersonal Communication Oral 口头的 Written书面的 Non-verbal非语言的 Oral Communication 口头沟通 Advantages(优点) Speed (速度快) Feedback(能反馈) Disadvantages(缺点) Potential for distorted message(曲解信息的可能) Content at destination is different from the original(信息在传达到目的地时已面目全非) Written Communication Provide a tangible and verifiable record提供有形的可验证的纪录 Can be stored for an indefinite period of time能不定期地被存取 Physically available for later reference可以做以后参照之用 Well thought-out, logical, and clear深思熟虑、逻辑性好、条理清晰 Time consuming Lack of feedback No guarantee how reader will interpret it 费时 缺乏反馈 不能保证信息的接受者能精确解释 Oral Communication 口头沟通 Advantages(优点) Speed (速度快) Feedback(能反馈) Disadvantages(缺点) Potential for distorted message(曲解信息的可能) Content at destination is different from the original(信息在传达到目的地时已面目全非) Non-verbal Communication Two most important messages that body language conveys are:身体语言中最重要的信息包括: (1) the extent to which an individual likes another and is interested in his views 一人喜欢另外一人并对他的观点观点感兴趣 (2) the relative perceived status between a sender and receiver 在信息发送者和接受者之间意识到的相对地位 Non-verbal Communi


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