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湖北工业大?学工程技术?学院教案(课次) 第 次课 10 学时 授课章节:Unit 1 The Inter?net 教学目的、要求: 1. Condu?ct a serie?s of liste?ning, speak?ing activ?ities? relat?ed to the theme? of this unit. 2. Maste?r the key langu?age point?s and gramm?atica?l struc?tures? in the text 3. Learn? some writi?ng and readi?ng skill?s. 教学重点、难点 1. Maste?r the neces?sary vocab?ulary? and gramm?ar 2. Maste?r the writi?ng and liste?ning skill?s 教学组织(含实施课堂?教学内容的?思路、教学方法、 辅助手段、多媒体运用?、师生互动、时间分配、板书设计等?): Mater?ials: Readi?ng text: Text A: The Inter?net Is 40 Years? Old! Text B: Chine?se Socia?l Netwo?rking? Compu?ter with Inter?net acces?s (optio?nal) Tape / video? Teach?ing steps?: Step1?: Get start?ed/ Quote?s Step2?: Liste?n and respo?nd Step3?: New words? and expre?ssion?s Step4?: Text analy?sis (Cultu?re Shock?) Step5?: Exten?sive readi?ng (Text B: Chine?se Socia?l Netwo?rking?) Step6?: Exerc?ises expla?ining? and writi?ng train?ing Step7?: Liste?ning Cours?e Arran?gemen?t: 1st sessi?on (2 perio?ds) 2nd sessi?on (2 perio?ds) 3rd sessi?on (2 perio?ds) 4th sessi?on (2 perio?ds) 5th sessi?on (2 perio?ds) Get start?ed and Quote?s Liste?n and respo?nd New words? and expre?ssion?s Text under?stand?ing (Cultu?re Shock?) Analy?sis of Text (Cultu?re Shock?) Exten?sive readi?ng (Text B: Chine?se Socia?l Netwo?rking?) Exerc?ises expla?ining? and writi?ng train?ing Liste?ning train?ing 作业布置: Do all the exerc?ises Writi?ng Get all the vocab?ulary?, gramm?atica?l point?s clear?. 主要参考资?料: Teach?er’s Book Inter?net Infor?matio?n 课后自我总?结分析: 注:各栏大小可?根据需要进?行调整。 湖北工业大?学工程技术?学院教案(课次) 第 1 次课 2 学时 授课章节:Unit 1 The Inter?net 教学目的、要求: 1.Get start?ed of Unit 1 2.Finis?h “Liste?n and Respo?nd” 3.The detai?l analy?sis of new words? of Text A 教学重点、难点 1.To get some knowl?edge of diffe?rent cultu?res 2.Know the new words? of Text A 教学组织(含实施课堂?教学内容的?思路、教学方法、 辅助手段、多媒体运用?、师生互动、时间分配、板书设计等?): Mater?ials: Readi?ng text: The Inter?net Compu


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