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虚拟环境下三自由度并联坐标测量机的运动建模与仿真 摘 要 并联坐标测量机是一种新类型的坐标测量系统,它模拟多足生物的运动形式。+由于运动的复杂性,只凭计算数据很难直观、准确地判断测头的位置和姿态,必须通过虚拟样机模拟并联坐标测量机的作业过程。本文在Windows XP 环境下,通过VC++调用OpenGL函数,对测量机的各部分零件进行实体造型,并按照零件间的装配关系进行实体装配,获得坐标测量机的三维仿真图,再与运动学位置分析的正解模型和反解模型相结合,开发出能实时运动的三维并联三坐标测量机的虚拟样机,实现高效率、低成本的仿真作业。经测试证明,该系统运行可靠,效果逼真,为研制真实样机提供了手段。 由于本人水平有限,文中的错误和不足在所难免,恳请各位老师给予批评和指正。 关键词:三自由度;坐标测量机;虚拟样机;并联机构 Kinematic Modeling and Simulation of 3-DOF Parallel CMM Base on Virtual Environment Abstract The parallel mechanism CMM (coordinate measuring machine), as a new type of CMM, simulates the motion form of multiped. Because of its complicated motion, it is difficult to judge the position and stance of probe intuitionisticly and exactly only by calculational data. It is obligatory to simulate the operation process of parallel mechanism CMM by virtual prototype. In the paper the OpenGL functions are transferred by VC++ under the windows XP so that the various parts of CMM are entity-sculpted, and entity-assembled according to the constructional relation between parts. So the 3D simulative figure of CMM is obtained. Moreover, combining with the kinematics obverse solution model and reverse solution model of position analysis, the virtual prototype of three-freedom-degree parallel mechanism CMM is developed, which can motion in real time and realize simulative operation in high efficiency and low cost. It is proved by test that this system runs reliably, has realistic effect and provides means for manufacturing actual prototype. Because of the limits of the author`s ability ,there may be some mistakes and shortcomings in it ,thanks a lot for your pointing out the mistakes for correction. Keywords:Three-degrees-of-freedom;Coordinate-measuring Machine;Virtual Prototyping;Parallel-link Mechanism 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc232249202 第1章 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc232249202 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc232249203 1.1 课题研究的学术背景 PAGEREF _Toc232249203 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc232249204 1.2 国内外研究现状 PAGEREF _Toc232249204 \h 5


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